
  • 网络Abbott;Albert;Tony Abbott;Abbot
  1. 马来西亚航空MH17航班在乌克兰上空坠毁后,澳大利亚总理阿伯特曾声称要shirtfront俄罗斯总统普京。在此之后,shirtfront一词便成为热门词汇,该中心也将该词列入备选。

    The center selected shirtfront after the word rose to prominence1 after Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised to " shirtfront " Russian President Vladimir Putin over the down of the Malaysian airline MH17 over Ukraine .

  2. 一位澳大利亚卓越的干细胞研究者,曾对联邦卫生部部长东尼。阿伯特提出质疑说,如果一个科学家处于“快要疯了的边缘”,那么他才会备受完整地克隆一个人的诱惑。

    One of australia 's pre-eminent stem cell researchers has challenged the Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott saying only a scientist " on the lunatic fringe " would be tempted to fully clone a human being .

  3. 有一次,世界著名科学家阿伯特.爱因斯坦正在乘火车旅行。

    Once Albert Einstein , the world-famous scientist , was traveling by train .

  4. 我做过服务生,甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。

    I waited on tables , and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall .

  5. 有个年轻人曾经问阿伯特.爱因斯坦成功的秘诀是什么,这位伟大的科学家告诉他成功的秘诀是勤奋。

    A young man once asked Albert Einstein what the secret of success was . The great scientist told him that the secret of success was hard work .

  6. 星期六,在阿伯特的夫人玛吉的带领下,各国领导人夫人参观了布里斯班龙柏考拉动物园(Brisbane’sLonePineKoalaSanctuary),体验了一次独有的澳大利亚风情。

    Meanwhile the ladies of the G20 were also treated to the ultimate Aussie experience and were led by Mr Abbott 's wife , Margie , through Brisbane 's Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary on Saturday .

  7. 无论在该国的道路或快速公路之旅阳光驱动器与阿伯特AS4敞篷车-有没有限制。

    No matter if a drive in the sunshine on the country road or a fast motorway journey-with the Abt AS4 Cabriolet , there are no limits .

  8. 阿伯特.拉金拥有中西部最大的电脑公司。

    Abbott Larkin has the biggest computer company in the Midwest .

  9. 阿伯特.拉金正在斯坦福德建新的计算机制造厂。

    Abbott Larkin is buiding a new computer factory in Stamford .

  10. 阿伯特。拉金吗?在斯坦福德?这有点怪。

    Abbott Larkin ? In Stamford ? That seems odd .

  11. 玛丽亚:阿伯特•拉金吗?在斯坦福德?这有点怪。

    Maria : Abbott Larkin ? In Stamford ? That seems odd .

  12. 詹姆斯.布朗迪与阿伯特.拉金在秘密会面,

    James Brady and Abbott Larkin are meeting in secret .

  13. 他正在找阿伯特。拉金&国际计算机公司的总裁。

    He 's looking for Abbott Larkin , President of International Computer .

  14. 如果我们能找到阿伯特8226;拉金的话,我们就能用上了。

    We can use it if we catch Abbott Larkin .

  15. 我舅舅阿伯特总吃正式茶点。

    My uncle Albert always has " high tea " .

  16. 阿伯特舅舅凡力所能及总愿给人帮忙。

    Uncle Albert will do a good turn to anyone if he can .

  17. 那位是本杰明·古根汉姆和他的情妇,阿伯特夫人。

    And , that 's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress , Madame Aubert .

  18. 你知道为什么阿伯特.拉金现在在斯坦福德吗?

    Why is Abbott Larkin in Stamford now ?

  19. 我搭上了一班开往牛顿阿伯特的火车。

    I caught a train to Newton abbott .

  20. 首先,阿伯特.拉金将去圣.路易斯。

    First , Abbott Larkin goes to St.Louis .

  21. 小阿伯特腋下夹着一本新书从学校回家来了。

    Prize Little Albert came home from school with a new book under his arm .

  22. 我需要找到阿伯特.拉金,

    I need to find Abbot Larkin .

  23. 我们叫他们阿伯特与科斯特洛(美国喜剧搭档)

    We call them Abbott and Costello .

  24. 阿伯特.拉金在哪儿?这是今晨斯坦福德宾馆的一个谜。

    Where 's Abbott Larkin ? That 's the question at the Stamford Hotel this morning .

  25. 我想这是让我认识乔若莎阿伯特的良机。

    This is the first chance I 've ever had to get acquainted with Jerusha Abbott .

  26. 该事件之前,阿伯塔巴德镇曾是一座以旅游业著名的小镇,以英国军官詹姆斯.阿伯特命名。

    Before the incident , Abbottabad was a popular tourism town named after British officer James Abbott .

  27. 阿伯特勉强通报是爱德华索姆威勒来了,他摘下帽子,露出他的金发,走进客厅。

    He removed the hat from his blond hair and moved into the living room after Albet grudgingly announced him .

  28. 然后,他边敲门边说道:“阿伯特小姐到了。”然后我走进去,门在我身后关上了。

    Then he knocked and said ," Miss Abbott ," and I went in and the door closed behind me .

  29. 阿伯特,贝茜,我不是告诉你们我来之前让简待在这屋子里吗?

    Abbott and Bessie , I think I told you to leave Jane Eyre in this room till I came .

  30. 阿伯特的儿子已到了掌管家庭事务的年龄,阿伯特已决定退居次要地位。

    Albert has decided to take a back seat now that his son is old enough to run the family business .