- 网络inhibition;Block Effect

It was found that both n-DDM and t-DDM had the inhibition effect upon the polymerization , and their consumption rate was the same , no matter whether they were added to the water phase or the monomer phase .
The results show that P.praecox wood has serious inhibition on the hydration of cements .
SEM morphologies show that SiC particles can hinder the growth of the film .
Respective network of Ti and HA formed in coating could retard the cracks from expanding .
CONCLUSIONS : There results suggested that IFN markedly inhib-ited encephalitis B virus replication .
It has been considered to use huge , heavy volume concrete when begin to design , so as to avoid the primary radiation of X-ray .
The analysis of FDI impacts to industrial structure is from aspects of capital , structure , management and technology , and export etc.
However , after being modified by P element , the primary Si particles became smaller and more dispersive , and the hindering effect on the dendrite growth was decreased .
The results show that the thixotropy property of Cu Ni Si alloy improves preferably through adding 0.05 % Ce , meanwhile the adding of micro Boron would be harmful to thixotropy property .
Effects of Ti addition on grain growth of Cu-Al-Ni alloy cast by heated mold continuous casting process
Low concentration of SDS impeded the formation of floc at the beginning of flocculation , while high concentration of SDS promoted the flocculation process .
But photocatalytic oxidation rate of CuS does not increase with the photocatalytic time for the effect of forming sulfur .
The results showed that with the addition of a small amount of H 2O 2 , the photocatalytic reduction of dichromate was hindered , while the photocatalytic oxidation of dichlorvos was accelerated .
Owing to the DNA degradation induced by formalin and the obstruction of paraffin to DNA extraction , it is difficult to recover high-quality DNA from Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue ( FFPET ) .
The BCF model about smooth interface growth kinetics and the C V model about impurity stopping step have been collided with the AFM study results .
With the increases in the sintering temperature , the activity of the sintering additives Ni and Mo increased , the porosity decreased , the density and the grains growth increased , so the mechanical properties increased .
The density is one of the important factors which determine the reactive mechanism because the contact porosity may obstruct ignition and propagation of the combustion wave .
Second , investment in real estate development analysis of the impact on GDP , respectively , from the promotion of the role and hinder the role of both the investment in real estate development on the impact on GDP .
In the mean time , the binding energy of Cr inside the oxide scale is increased by yttrium implantation , and this will delay the Cr 3 + cation diffusion through the scale .
We confer NaF treatment may inhibit the recovery of chlorophyll 's capacity of electronic transportation and effect the change of the influorescence of membrance proteins under the lowlight .
Then , the author adopted SPSS software to analyze the data and obtained the following findings : ( 1 ) The absence of tense in Chinese has an inhibiting effect on the acquisition of English simple past .
The simulation results show that this method can predict distribution of grains and effect of steep temperature gradients in HAZ . Comparison of simulated grain size and actual grain size has good consistency .
As the ZrO_2 increases , the shrinkage ratio of glass particle will decrease . Such phenomenon indicates that ZrO_2 has a baffling effect on sintering shrinkage ratio of glass particle .
PVA and PVA / SiO2 nano complex molten Endothermic peak curve suggests that the silica nanoparticles has low impact on crystallite size when silica content is low and obstructs the crystallization of the PVA when the silica content is high .
Considering the shielding effects of carbonous layer forming on the burning surface on the transmission of external irradiation , the burning characteristics of 1040 , 1041 , N - 5 and N propellants were analyzed .
DSC was used to measure the effect of modified protein on the retrogradation of raw panada . We found that the addition of calcium-binding protein holden back retrogradation . The rate of retrogradation in 14 days was changed from 33.72 % to 12.71 % .
In 1970 Koehler pointed out that the superlattice made up by two large different modulus materials may has high hardness based on dislocation theory .
During the boronizing process , the WC particles play a role of hindering the growth of boride . The more the contents of WC particles are , the greater the hindering effect is , simultaneously , the thinner the layer of boride is .
It can be concluded that the defects in the low temperature Si buffer will block the motion of misfit dislocation .
The plastic deformation process is called the dislocation tangle mechanism . The investigative result demonstrates that the S-phase in Al-Cu-Mg alloy has a big obstruction effect for dislocation movement , and so the S-phase can obviously increase flow stress and cold work-hardening ability .