
yīn jīnɡ ái
  • carcinoma of penis
  1. 阴茎癌不常见,美国今年预计会出现大约2030例新增病例和340例死亡病例。

    Penile cancer is rare , with about 2030 new cases and 340 deaths expected in the United States this year .

  2. 阴茎移植手术由CurtisCetrulo和DickenKo两位医生负责执行,他们对曼宁能恢复2012年丧失的功能持谨慎乐观的态度。在2012年时,阴茎癌的诊断不得不使他移除了阴茎。”

    Surgeons who performed the transplant , led by Curtis Cetrulo and Dicken Ko , however , are cautiously optimistic Manning will regain function that he lost in 2012 when a diagnosis of penile cancer led to an amputation of the penis .