
  • 网络Continuous Operations;Non-Stop;non-stop operation
  1. 绝对时间服务器是一个高性能的服务器解决方案和在任何规模的网络可靠的不间断运行优化。

    Absolute Time Server is a server solution optimized for high performance and reliable non-stop operation in networks of any size .

  2. 可间断运行的K-means聚类算法

    Recoverable implementation of K-means clustering algorithm

  3. 如果需要不间断运行,则MyISAM必须使用不间断电源(UPS)。

    An Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) is mandatory with MyISAM if uninterrupted operation is required .

  4. 并在实际应用中,为保证网络不间断运行,提出了过渡方案,为宽带用户平滑过渡到PPPoE上网方式提供了技术保障。

    A transition plan is brought to guarantee smooth internet access via PPPoE .

  5. 只有采取有效的软、硬件维护措施,才能保证系统1周24h不间断运行。

    It is only by the measures of effective maintenance of the hardware and software that the system can be ensured to work continuously .

  6. GalaxyS5的电池寿命也给人深刻印象。在与iPhone5S进行比较时,不间断运行在线流视频超过六个小时之后,GalaxyS5的电池寿命比前者多出约20%。

    The Galaxy S5 has impressive battery life , running a streaming online video test for more than six hours of continuous use -- about 20 % longer than the iPhone 5S .

  7. 随着计算机网络的发展,服务器的不间断运行已经成为了必然的要求,为此开发研制了智能UPS,可以单机或通过网络对于各节点UPS进行监控和管理。

    With the development of computer networks , it has been necessary for servers to run uninterruptedly . So , Intelligent UPS has been developed , which can monitor and manage the UPS in different nodes both standalone or through the networks .

  8. 用预期评价指标PMV作为热舒适性的评价标准,根据满足人体热舒适性要求的PMV值就可以找到冬、夏季空调房间空调设备间断运行最佳的开、停机时间组合方式。

    Takes the hot comfortable evaluation criteria with anticipated appraisal PMV , according to satisfies the person volumetric heat comfortableness request the PMV value , find the best interrupted movement t way of he winter , the summer air conditioning equipment .

  9. 轨道交通线路净空安全是确保列车平稳、不间断运行的基础。

    Track clearance is the foundation of the railway safety .

  10. 综合运用所述方法,保证信息系统数据安全和信息系统的不间断运行。

    Using these methods can guarantee the data security of information system .

  11. 因为只有不间断运行的设备才能保证您的成功。

    Because only installations that run around the clock can ensure your success .

  12. 从而在一定程度上保证了重要网络服务的不间断运行。

    So this will ensure that important network services will run steadily without stop .

  13. 间断运行皮带机电动滚筒功率计算与实践

    Power Calculation for Electro-driven Drum of Intermittent Running Belt Conveyer and Its Running Practice

  14. 公司需要高速互联网连接和不间断运行部署系统,并建立在因特网上。

    Companies needed fast Internet connectivity and nonstop operation to deploy systems and establish a presence on the Internet .

  15. 但新风设备全天不间断运行带来噪声的同时也造成能源的浪费。

    New wind equipment which operates uninterruptedly all day not only brought the noise but also causes the waste of energy .

  16. 特别是矿用大型空气压缩机,每天工作24小时不间断运行,其中相当长时间是在空载或轻载下运行,供气压力不稳定,系统能耗很大。

    Especially , the huge air-compressor used in mines runs 24 hours everyday without break , with a long time without load .

  17. 随着计算机的发展和互联网网络传输能力的提高,人们对于计算机服务的数据处理能力、存储空间、不间断运行等要求也在不断增加。

    With the development of computers and the Internet network transmission capabilities , computer services , data processing capability , storage space , uninterrupted operation is also increasing .

  18. 由于服务器承担着许多重要的关键业务,意外的宕机会导致巨大的损失甚至是灾难性的后果,因此,服务器必须满足7x24小时的不间断运行。

    There are lots of key businesses which operate on servers , it can lead to great loss or even disastrous consequence by power drops on servers accidently .

  19. 随着风力发电在电力系统中所占比例的不断增大,提高风电机在故障条件下的不间断运行能力就显得越来越重要。

    As the penetration of wind power in electric power systems continues to grow , it becomes very important to improve the fault ride-through capability of grid-connected wind turbines .

  20. 如何更好地监控管理这些资源,又保证机器能够7×24小时不间断运行,成了首先要解决的问题。

    How to better monitor the management of these resources , and ensure the machine can run 7 × 24 hours , has become the first problem to be solved .

  21. 随着计算机在日常生活中的广泛应用,如何实现软件的不间断运行而能够实现升级、更新也就成为软件维护和软件设计中的重要问题。

    With the wider application of software in everyday life , how to keep software continuous running without breaking while upgrading becomes an important topic in software maintain and software design .

  22. 由于测试过程需要不间断运行很长时间,随着数据量的不断增加及运行时间的增长,系统会产生资源瓶颈。

    Because the test process needs the uninterrupted movement very long time , along with the data quantity unceasing increase and the running time growth , the system can produce the resources bottleneck .

  23. 显然,如果你的应用需要“不间断运行”或多个应用程序共享一个集群,不必要的重启服务器是要尽量避免的。

    Obviously , if you 're running in an " always-on " environment or have multiple applications sharing a cluster , unnecessary server restarts are something to be avoided as much as possible .

  24. 运用故障转移群集的冗余功能,可以实现医院信息系统数据的安全及高可用性,从而确保24小时不间断运行。

    Taking use of the redundancy function of fail over cluster , it can realize the security and high availability of hospital information system data , so as to ensure uninterrupted running for24 hours .

  25. 每天都有数以千万计的电信用户通过网络来获得服务,这就要求支持这些服务和应用的业务支撑系统具有高可靠性和高可用性,以确保关键业务的永不间断运行。

    Every day , tens of millions of dollars have telecommunications network users access to services , which calls for the support of these services and applications business support systems with high reliability and high availability to ensure that critical business Wing uninterrupted operation .

  26. 针对某大型钢铁集团公司炼铁厂四号高炉三台除尘风机的结构形式及不间断运行的生产特点,研究开发了满足实际需求的在线监测与诊断系统。

    In view of the structure form and continuous production properties of three dust blowers for No.4 blast furnace of ironmaking plant in one large steel and iron enterprise , an online monitoring and diagnosis system which can meet the practical needs is developed .

  27. 网上银行借助因特网遍布全球的优势及其不间断运行、信息传递快捷的优势,突破了传统银行的局限性,为用户提供全方位、全天候、便捷、实时的现代化服务。

    On-line bank proliferates global with the aid of the Internet the superiority and the uninterrupted movement , the information transmission quick superiority , broke through the traditional bank limitation , provides omni-directionally , all-weather , convenient , the real-time modernized service for the user .

  28. 备份式UPS不间断电源运行方式比较电力二次系统存储备份方案分析

    The Comparative Stand by Configuration of Uninterruptable Power Supply Analysis of data storage for electrical secondary system

  29. 若要确定是否错误地激活了mda,请禁用所有断点,重新启动应用程序,然后让它可以不间断地运行。

    To determine if the MDA is being falsely activated , disable all breakpoints , restart the application , and allow it to run without stopping .

  30. 通过使用模拟器表明,即使在节点或应用程序失败的情况下,PCS也不会具有任何长期的不可服务性(它是持续的不间断的运行)。

    By using the simulator shows that even in the node or application in case of failure , PCS does not have any long-term non-service ( it is a continuous uninterrupted operation ) .