
  • 网络indirect connection;indirect link
  1. 由此,我们提出了基于中间设备的信息采集系统设计方案,通过一个或多个中间服务器建立Internet和局域网的间接连接,保证任何时刻局域网与Internet都要转换。

    Thus , we propose an information acquisition system design project based on the middleware . We establish an indirect connection between the Internet and local area network through one or more intermediate servers to ensure that any time LAN and Internet are isolated .

  2. 结论悬吊固定腱-骨愈合发生在隧道深部,BMP-2可以加速腱-骨悬吊固定后腱-骨之间的愈合,腱-骨之间以间接连接方式愈合。

    Conclusion The indirect connection healing between tendons and the bone tunnel occurs in the deep portion of the bone tunnel with the suspending fixation methods . The recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 can accelerates the tendon healing in the bone tunnel .

  3. ESB通过提供基于内容和上下文的路由来实现间接连接应用程序的功能。

    An ESB achieves the capability to indirectly connect applications by providing content and context based routing .

  4. 本文首先基于判断交换机互联的直接连接定理和间接连接定理,提出了一种完整的基于SNMP的拓扑发现算法;

    At first the paper present a SNMP - based topology discovery algorithm using direct connection theorem and simple connec - tion theorem for judging relationship of switches in subnets .

  5. 卫星网络可以通过地面信关站间接连接,也可以通过星间链路(ISL,Inter-Satellite-Links)直接连接。

    The satellite network can be linked indirectly by earth-gate-station ( EGS ) or directly by inter-satellite-links ( ISL ) .

  6. 该计算方法适用于间接连接的供热系统。

    The calculation method is adequate for indirect heating system .

  7. 热网供水温度低间接连接不经济。

    Indirect connecting is diseconomy for low water temperature of heating network .

  8. 间接连接热水网路的供热调节

    Heating Regulation for Hot Water Network of Indirect Connection

  9. 介绍了某大型超市空调系统利用消防水池进行水蓄冷的改造方法,指出两种冷源应采用板式换热器间接连接;

    Presents the method in thermal storage retrofitting using an existing fire tank for a large supermarket air conditioning system .

  10. 对直接连接和间接连接接头的接合强度进行了评估,并对接头断裂特性进行了分析。

    The bonding strength of joint zone made by direct and indirect bonding was evaluated and their fracture characteristics were analysed .

  11. 本文主要针对以既有建筑为热用户,热电厂为基本热源,大型区域锅炉房进行调峰的联合间接连接供暖系统,就其如何提高供暖系统效能,降低供暖能耗展开示范性研究。

    The heating source of the system studied in this paper is cogeneration and peak load boiler plant with existing buildings as heating load .

  12. 并对直接连接和间接连接进行了投资分析,为不同连接类型的热网监控改造提供了经济性依据。

    Investment Analysis have been done about direct connections and indirect connections , Provides a economic basis for different connection types of heating monitor and control system transformation .

  13. 用热等静压扩散连接法获得了硬质合金与球墨铸铁的直接连接接头和以镍箔为中间夹层的间接连接接头。

    The direct bonding joint between cemented carbide and nodular cast iron and the indirect bonding joint by using nickel foil as intermediate layer were obtained by HIP diffusion bonding process .

  14. 直接连接网络虽然具有良好的可扩展性,但是网络性能难以控制,只是在大容量分组交换网络研究初期得到应用;间接连接网络是目前多级分组交换网络研究的重点。

    Although direct interconnection networks possess good scalability , their unpredictable performance limits them only available in the early days of large-capacity router research . Indirect interconnection networks are becoming the research focus .

  15. 该软件可以方便地计算直接连接、间接连接热水供热系统热力工况,并对热网热力参数进行分析和调控。

    This software can calculate thermal condition of the direct and indirect connection heating net system easily . At the same time , it can analyze and control the thermodynamic parameters by using computer .

  16. 本文以热源热网间接连接系统作为研究对象探讨供热系统的调节问题,采用在热源处集中调节和在热力站局部调节来实现统一的调节。

    With the study of indirect connection system of heating resources and heating net , the essay is mainly focused on the integrated regulation through the central and local regulation in heating resource thermal power station respectively .

  17. 在热网与热用户之间设置均压罐是热网与热用户的一种间接连接方式,可以改善热水管网的水力失调,提高热水管网的水力稳定性,减少热网系统能耗。

    This is a kind of indirect joining method of the heat supply network and heat users . Such joining method could improve hydraulic disorder and stability of heat network and reduce energy consumption of heat network .

  18. 在相同的膜片面积下,新膜片与原有矩形间接连接式压力敏感膜片性能相近,为内部谐振器的多样化提供了基础。

    At the condition of the same area , the new diaphragms had a similar performance as the original rectangle diaphragm with silicon islands , which made it be possible to develop various resonators attached to the diaphragm .

  19. 在对直接连接、间接连接热水供热系统热用户供热热负荷计算分析基础上,基于图论理论分别建立直接连接、间接连接热水供热系统热力工况计算模型。

    Based on the heating character analysis of the direct and indirect connect of hot-water heating system heating users , as well as grapy theory , the hot-water heating system thermodynamic parameters computation model with direct and indirect were build respectively .

  20. 该网络通过在交换网络中间级引入具有直接连接网络特点的环形网络和巧妙的级间连接关系,克服了传统间接连接网络可扩展性的不足。

    With the introduction of ring network having the characteristics of direct interconnection networks in middle stage of switch network and of subtle connection relations between stages of switch networks , the new fabric overcomes the weakness in scalability of traditional indirect interconnection networks .

  21. 这是一种既具有纤维关节特征同时又具有滑膜关节特征的混合关节,在骨连接分类方面属直接连接和间接连接的过渡类型。

    This is a mixed type of joint both with feature of the fibrous joint and the characteristics of the synovial articulation . In the classification of the junctures of bones it belongs to a transitional type between the direct juncture and the indirect juncture of bones .

  22. 这样将多级间接连接网络的调度问题分解为负载均衡和交换单元内部的调度两个子问题来处理,带来了以下优点:(1)实现了调度算法的完全分布式,便于多机架实现。

    Therefore , the scheduling problem of multi-stage indirect interconnection networks is decomposed into two subproblems of load balancing and scheduling within switch units , thus it has the following advantages : ( 1 ) the realization of a fully distributed algorithm makes it convenient for multi-rack implementation .

  23. 在继承传统三级间接连接网络良好性能的基础上,通过在中间级引入环网络,解决了现有大容量分组交换网络无法兼顾良好性能和可扩展性的问题。

    The fabric inherits good performance of the traditional three stage indirect interconnection network , and possesses good scalability due to the adoption of the ring network at its second stage , which solves the problem that the present switching fabrics cannot obtain both of the two characters simultaneously .

  24. ESB用于间接地连接采用不同服务格式的应用程序,如图1所示。

    An ESB is used to indirectly connect applications which employ disparate forms of services as shown in Figure 1 .

  25. 同样地,通用端口可用于将任何应用程序连接到ESB并间接地连接到其他应用程序。

    In a similar manner a Universal Port can be used to connect to any application to the ESB and , indirectly , to the other applications .

  26. 间接公开模式连接几种现有软件功能来实现一项服务,同时使用一个计划良好的可互操作的服务接口解决方案。

    The indirect exposure pattern connects several existing software functions to realize a service while using a well-planned interoperable service interface solution .

  27. 它将会间接的影响到连接在纺织行业的其它部门。

    It will also affect the other sectors that are indirectly connected to the textile sector .