
  1. 长荆铁路和随岳、兰杭两条高速公路穿境而过,交通十分便捷。

    Chang Jing and the mountain railway , the two-Hangzhou Expressway to wear Habitat and that traffic is very convenient .

  2. 以长荆铁路汉江特大桥成桥静、动载试验为背景,简要介绍铁路连续箱梁静、动载试验的测点布置、数据处理等基本方法及试验所需的试验仪器、试验荷载。

    Based on the static and moving load experiments of the Hanjiang super-major bridge constructed in Chang-Jing railway , this paper introduces test point arrangement and data processing methods as well as the instruments and loads in the static and dynamic experiments for railway continuous box beam .