
cháng qiāng
  • spear;pike;long-barrelled gun
长枪 [cháng qiāng]
  • (1) [spear]∶一种长柄尖头或利刃的冲刺或投掷武器

  • (2) [long-barrelled gun]∶枪管长的火器的统称

长枪[cháng qiāng]
  1. 狄奥米迪斯听了雅典娜的指使说他可以放心袭击阿荚罗狄蒂,于是他就用他的长枪刺她,并扎破了她的手。

    Diomedes , advised by Athena that he could attack Aphrodite with safety , thrust at her with his spear and cut her hand .

  2. 长枪民兵含义广泛,从简陋装备的农民,到半职业精锐重装部队,应有尽有。

    Pike Militias range from armed peasants to semi-professional well trained and equipped soldiers .

  3. 成功秘诀就藏在HBO的奇幻题材连续剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)中:在这部电视剧中,一个人要么获胜,要么只能倒在长枪下。

    The secrets to success can be found in HBO 's Game of Thrones , where you either win ... or end up with your head on a pike .

  4. 一种肩杠、长枪管并、刻有来复线的枪膛的武器。

    A shoulder weapon with a long barrel and a rifled bore .

  5. 我决不会用长枪戳他。

    I wouldn 't touch him with the lance pole .

  6. 白人的皮毛猎人用长枪杀死了野牛。

    White hide hunters came with their long guns and killed the buffalo .

  7. 我看到孩子们手中握着长枪和利剑。

    I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children .

  8. 我赌詹姆爵士会赢得长枪比武,

    I bet on Ser Jaime in the jousting ,

  9. 倒T形脱硫喷枪长枪龄技术的研究与应用

    Development and Application on long life technology of inverted T shape Desulphurization Lance

  10. 给我十个勇士和几柄长枪

    Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes

  11. “我原该带着我的长枪来的!”他向自己说。

    " I ought to have taken my gun ," said he to himself .

  12. 我觉得自己像个上了战场却没带长枪的骑士。

    I feel rather like the knight who arrives at the battle without his lance .

  13. 贾斯汀是一种长枪的牌子。

    Justin is a big gun .

  14. 两人拿长枪一比试,便打了起来。

    With a flourish of their spears , the two men started sparring with each other .

  15. 两人放低长枪。

    Both men couched their lances .

  16. 三个拿着长枪的卫兵跑了进来,站在高格面前。

    Three guards ran into the room with their big guns and stood in front of gog .

  17. 四川木里长枪穹隆石英流体包裹体特征及其地质意义

    Features of Fluid Inclusions in Quartz from the Changqiang Dome , Muli , Sichuan and Its Geological Significances

  18. 我!英文:讲,离不开诸葛;说赵云,离不开长枪。

    Speaks > , cannot leave Zhuge ; Said the Zhao cloud , cannot leave the long-barrelled gun .

  19. 如果你可选择枪战的武器,带把长枪另加个朋友。

    If you can choose what to bring to a gun fight , bring a long gun and a friend .

  20. 用长矛刺,在马上枪术比赛中投掷长矛。顺带一提,刺刀被视为取代长枪,并根据长枪的用法来演练。

    Incidentally , the bayonet was seen as a substitute pike and accordingly pike drill was used after its introduction .

  21. 长枪兵训练有素,其雪亮枪林对任何骑兵都可造成致命伤害。

    A well trained unit of pikes can create an almost impenetrable wall of steel , particularly effective against cavalry .

  22. 经过训练的长枪民兵通常极为擅长对抗骑兵,但尚须其他部队协同作战。

    Pike armed militia with a modest amount of training can hold a defensive position very well , though they need good support .

  23. 剑或长枪,牙齿或指甲-什么武器随你挑让我们在此时此地解决问题.如果我们照你的方式去做,弑君者,

    Swords or lances , teeth , nails-choose your weapons and let 's end this here and now . If we do it your way , Kingslayer ,

  24. 这种方法从远距离看还不错,但拉近距离你就会发现你的长枪兵长得一模一样。

    This method looked fine from a distance , but zoom in on your battle , and you really notice that your spearmen all look exactly the same .

  25. 什麼样的丧钟,为那番惨死的人们响起?只有毛骨悚然的短枪怒吼之声只有喋喋不休的长枪结巴之声可以仓促叨念出他们的死前祈祷

    What passing-bells for these who die as cattle ? Only the monstrous anger of the guns.Only the stuttering rifles ' rapid rattleCan patter out their hasty orisons .

  26. “我的确太蠢了,”他想道,“我既然出来打猎,却又没把我的那支长枪带来!”

    " I really must have been exceedingly stupid not to have thought to bring my gun ," he said to himself ," since I was going hunting !"

  27. 这匹马披着镀金环甲,詹姆本人也是从头到脚金光闪闪,他的长枪则是用盛夏群岛出产的金木所削制。

    The horse wore a blanket of gilded ringmail , and Jaime glittered from head to heel . Even his lance was fashioned from the golden wood of the Summer Isles .

  28. 他怎么能找到蛋在海中呢?但是,一旦长枪,其生活亲王伊凡曾幸免,游了鸡蛋放进嘴里。

    How could he find the egg in the sea ? But all at once the pike , whose life Prince Ivan had spared , swam up with the egg in its mouth .

  29. 在这座乔治奥威尔曾经在内战期间与右翼的西班牙长枪党斗争的大道上,远远望去,这座酒店建筑也仅仅是19时期末期众多象征性建筑中的一座。

    Looking out over the street where GeorgeOrwell battled against the right-wing falangists in the Spanish civil war , thebuilding is just one of the iconic late 19th century structures to line thestreet .

  30. 名人就是名人,丁磊养猪一下子让网易成为各路中外媒体长枪短炮的追逐目标。

    Celebrity is celebrity , the angle target that Ding Lei raises a pig to let Netease become short artillery piece of spear of media of each China and foreign countries at a draught .