
  • 网络changshou road
  1. 第二章主要是介绍了上海长寿路街道社区自治在组织体制,运行规则和民间组织发展等方面的发展现状;

    The second chapter introduces the present condition of the community autonomy in changshou road . Including the organizational relation , the rule of the circulating and the development of NGOs .

  2. 长寿路和苏州河边的一方绿洲&上海绿洲城市花园居住小区的规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Oasis Garden Housing Estates , Shanghai

  3. 长寿命沥青路面具有很高的结构承载力,同时它们在使用寿命内需要很少或者不需要大的结构性修复或重建,这保证了低用户延迟。

    Meanwhile they need minimal or no major structural rehabilitation and / or reconstruction exercises in their life , which ensures low user-delay .

  4. 通过重冰冻区长寿命试验路施工工艺及质量控制技术的系统研究,为重冰冻区长寿命路面结构的全面实施推广提供了理论基础和实践经验。

    Life test by heavy-frozen head of road construction technology and quality control system technology for the heavy-frozen head of life to promote the full implementation of the pavement structure provides a theoretical basis and practical experience .