
  • 网络Sinaloa
  1. 2014年,正是在这座位于墨西哥西北部锡那罗亚州库利亚坎的房子里,当墨西哥的海军陆战队冲进来时,该头目通过浴室地板下的一条隧道逃跑了。

    It was from this house in Culiac á n , in the north-western Mexican state of Sinaloa , that the kingpin escaped capture in 2014 , fleeing through a tunnel under the bathroom floor as the Mexican marines stormed in .

  2. 上学时的每个暑假,卡洛斯·富恩特斯都会与他的祖母们呆在一起,一位在潮湿的墨西哥海湾维拉克鲁斯州,另一位来自太平洋锡那罗亚州不毛之地上的马萨兰特。

    EVERY summer holiday when he was at school , Carlos Fuentes would stay with his grandmothers , one in Veracruz , on the steamy Gulf coast , the other from Mazatl á n , near the badlands of Sinaloa on the Pacific .

  3. 事实上,人们相信他仍然藏身于他的出生地墨西哥锡那罗亚州的山区;或者邻州杜兰戈&据信他已经收买了那里的地方警察、市长和甚至该州州长。

    In fact , he is still believed to be hiding in the mountains of his native state , Sinaloa , or neighboring Durango , where he is reported to have local police officers , mayors and even the state governor on his payroll .