
  • 网络chromium salt
  1. 进一步利用单细胞电泳技术检测不同价态铬盐对酵母细胞和人外周血白血病T细胞(Jurkat)胞内DNA的损伤程度,也得到相似的结果。

    Furthermore , intracellular DNA damage was detected in yeast cells and animal cells ( Jurkat ) treated with different valence states of chromium salts by Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis .

  2. 用铬盐硝制过的黑色小牛革。

    Black calfskin leather tanned with chromium salts .

  3. 可溶性铬盐职业接触者DNA链断裂的研究

    Study on DNA strand breaks in workers exposed to soluble chromate

  4. 铬盐与香烟烟雾溶液对A549细胞毒性和DNA断裂的影响

    Combinative effect of hexavalent chromium and cigarette smoke solution on cytotoxicity and DNA strand breakage in A549 cells

  5. 铬渣是生产金属铬和铬盐所产生的废渣,因其含有超量水溶性Cr(VI)而具有强烈毒性。

    Chromium slag is one of the most hazardous solid residue from chromium chemical industry because of the high content of dissolvable Cr ( VI ) .

  6. 得到最佳起皱条件为pH=2.0,温度30℃,起皱剂总量为20%(以碱皮重计),皱纹固定在起皱30分钟后用铬盐完成。

    The optimum conditions obtained is pH 2 . 0 , 30 ℃ and 20 % shrinking agents ( based on pelt weight ) . Chromium was used 30 min after shrinking .

  7. YL助鞣剂与三价铬盐配位过程及其在铬鞣中的应用研究

    Study on the Mechnism of YL Polyacrylate Auxiliary Tanning Agent Coordinating with Trivalent Chromium and Its Application in Chromium Tanning Process

  8. 制革工业中,无机铬盐鞣剂鞣革的成革质量是其它鞣剂无法比拟的,但铬盐鞣革的废液中残留的Cr(Ⅲ)对环境的污染造成极大危害;

    In leather industry , the quality of leather by tanned chrome-tanning agent , which is better than other tanning agents . But the Cr ( III ) residue in the chrome tanning liquid waste will result in serious environment pollution .

  9. 我国是一个铬盐生产大国,每年产生铬渣达600万吨,由于缺乏有效处理设施导致堆存的铬渣释放Cr(Ⅵ)对土壤和地下水造成严重污染。

    China is one of major country to produce chromate . A large amount of chromium-containing slag was annually discharged from chromate industries . For lacking of appropriate disposal facilities , the deposition of chromium-containing slag will result in serious soil and groundwater pollution .

  10. 通过对比明胶被THPC、甲醛和铬盐处理后的等电点变化趋势,分析了THPC鞣制效应,最后可确定THPC与皮胶原的鞣制机理。

    The change trends of glutin isoelectric point after treated with THPC , formaldehyde and chrome salt were researched and the results showed that the tanning property of THPC was good .

  11. 环保型无铬盐木素类新化灌材料的探索研究

    The Study on New Grouting Agent of Lignin without Chrome Salt

  12. 呼吸系统损伤与铬盐职业接触水平评价指标间的相关性研究

    Correlation between respiratory injury and evaluation indexes of occupational chromate exposure

  13. 铬盐清洁生产工艺中铝的脱除

    Separation of Aluminum (ⅲ) in the Clean Production Process for Potassium Dichromate

  14. 铬盐生产中地表污水的治理回用

    The Synthetical Use of the Surface Wastewater from the Production of Chromate

  15. 铁铬盐生产过程微机控制

    A control of microcomputer for manufacture process of iron-chrome salt

  16. 用聚电解质代替铬盐作磷化后处理剂的研究

    Research on the polyelectrolyte used as Post-Treatment Agent instead of Chromic Compounds

  17. 铬盐生产基地对水体污染的研究

    Research on Water Body Pollution at Chromic Salt Production Base

  18. 中国铬盐生产状况与展望

    Present Status and Prospect of Chromate Production in China

  19. 核子秤在铬盐生产配料工序的应用

    Nuclear Weighing Used in Compounding Process of Chromate Production

  20. 三价铬盐镀液电镀硬铬镀层的性能

    Properties of Hard Chromium Plating in Trihydric Chromate Bath

  21. 铬盐行业是我国重点整治的高污染行业,推行清洁生产势在必行。

    It is necessary to facilitate clean production in polluted chrome salt industry .

  22. 铬铁废渣是生产铬盐或其氧化物所排放的废渣。

    Cr-Fe waste residue is derived from production of chromate or chromium oxide .

  23. 不同浓度铬盐饲料对鲤生长和血浆生化指标的影响

    Effect of chromium on growth and plasma biochemical indexes of Cyprinus carpio juveniles

  24. 用三价铬盐溶液电镀出了>70μm的硬铬镀层,研究了镀层的性能。

    The properties of hard chromium plating in trihydric chromate bath has been studied .

  25. 用铬铁生产金属铬(铬盐)新工艺研究

    New technical study of producing chromium metal ( chromium salt ) with chromium iron

  26. 静电除尘技术在铬盐生产中的应用

    Application on Electrostatic Precipitation Process in Chromate Production

  27. 铬盐生产区土壤和农作物中铬含量状况调查分析

    Investigation and study on chromic salt of soil and crop within the production zone

  28. 浅议我国铬盐行业的规划发展

    On Planning and Developing of China Chromate Industry

  29. GB/T8443-1998纺织品耐染浴中金属铬盐色牢度试验方法

    Textiles Testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dye bath : chromium Salts

  30. 并论述了利用提取物制备铬盐和氧化铁红的方法。

    The method of preparing chro-mate and iron oxide red is discussed with abstracted material .