
  • Iron Man;MARVEL;Tony Stark
  1. BlackWidow《黑寡妇》在《钢铁侠2》中首次亮相后,斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰演的俄罗斯特工娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫终于有了自己的单人电影。

    Scarlett Johansson 's Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film , a decade after the Russian spy was introduced in Iron Man 2 .

  2. 我最喜欢的超级英雄电影是《钢铁侠》(IronMan)系列。

    My favorite of all the superhero movies are the " Iron Man " movies .

  3. (IronMan:钢铁侠,美国漫画界元老级人物斯坦李所创造的漫画人物)我们的新朋友会是——钢铁侠。

    Our new friend is going to be Iron Man .

  4. 《钢铁侠》(ironman)去年在好莱坞(hollywood)的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会。

    The Hollywood premiere of iron man last year was a glittering affair .

  5. 他创作的其他角色还有银影侠、X战警、钢铁侠和奇异博士等。

    Other characters he created include the Silver Surfer , the X-Men , Iron Man and Doctor Strange .

  6. 他将其与《钢铁侠》(IronMan)电影中的智能电脑贾维斯(Jarvis)相提并论。

    He compared it with Jarvis , an intelligent computer in the Iron Man films .

  7. 兄弟,你是NBA历史上最好的“钢铁侠”。

    Bro , you are the best Iron Man in NBA history 。

  8. 还有个最差的FinFangFoom(钢铁侠中巨龙)

    And worst of all , Fin Fang Foom .

  9. 对现代观众而言,这很大程度上是因为《钢铁侠》(IronMan)职员名单后面的“思丁格”——回报观众留恋徘徊的额外镜头。

    For modern audiences , that is largely due to Iron Man 's post-credits " stinger , " which is an extra scene that rewards fans for sticking around .

  10. 美国电影全都是《X战警》(X-Men)和《钢铁侠》(IronMen)这种成系列的大片。

    American movies are all ' X-Men ' and ' Iron Man ' -- all these big , giant tent-pole movies .

  11. 答:《钢铁侠》里有很多约瑟夫·坎贝尔(JosephCampbell)式的东西。

    There 's a lot of Joseph Campbell in the " Iron Man " movies .

  12. 随着上海迪士尼开园的临近,香港迪士尼去年10月份推出了建设“铁甲奇侠”(IronMan,又称:钢铁侠)游乐设施的计划,这将是钢铁侠人物首次出现在迪士尼主题公园里。

    As the opening of Shanghai 's park looms , Disney in October unveiled plans to build an Iron Man attraction , the first-ever for a Marvel-based character at a Disney park .

  13. 在漫威英雄总部(MarvelUniverse)可以试穿钢铁侠套装的“变身钢铁侠”(BecomeIronMan)项目入口处,告示上的等待时间是50分钟。

    The posted wait time for the Become Iron Man entertainment at Marvel Universe , where we could virtually try on Iron Man suits , was 50 minutes .

  14. 这座新建乐园的特色在于,许多游乐设施依据《加勒比海盗》(PiratesoftheCaribbean)以及超级英雄大片如《钢铁侠》(IronMan)和《复仇者联盟》(AvengersAssemble)的故事情节而建。

    Its new park features attractions based on Pirates of the Caribbean and superhero pictures such as Iron Man and Avengers Assemble .

  15. 三星于上周五明确表示,公司将发行galaxys6Edge的钢铁侠版。

    The company will be releasing an Iron Man-themed version of its Galaxy S6 Edge , Samsung confirmed last Friday .

  16. 《钢铁侠3》(IronMan3)凭借12亿美元的票房总收入成为目前2013年最卖座影片。

    Iron Man 3 is the highest-grossing movie of 2013 so far with $ 1.2 billion .

  17. 神奇四侠夜魔侠无敌钢铁侠HappyHogan(钢铁侠人物)CurtConnors(蜘蛛侠人物)…

    Fantastic Four , Daredevil , Invincible Iron Man , Happy Hogan , Curt Connors ...

  18. 但从迪士尼(WaltDisney)旗下漫威娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)出品的最新大片《钢铁侠3》(IronMan3)中可见,华人角色以及中国作为故事背景的地位正变得愈发重要。

    But Chinese characters - and China as a setting - are becoming increasingly prominent , judging by Iron Man 3 , the latest blockbuster from Walt Disney 's Marvel division .

  19. 影片角色出自斯坦?李(StanLee)之手,这位89岁的老人创作了绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Ironman)等经典形象。

    The character has been invented by Stan Lee , the 89-year-old creator of figures such as Hulk and Ironman .

  20. 答:要回答这个问题,先把面具摘下来,翻转过来看看:《钢铁侠》(IronMan)系列电影的亿万富豪主人公,其实是受到了穆斯克的启发。而不是反过来。

    A : To answer this question , put that thing down , flip it and reverse it : the billionaire character at the center of the Iron Man movie series is actually inspired by Mr. Musk , not the other way around .

  21. 问:经常有人把埃隆•穆斯克与电影《钢铁侠》的主人公托尼•斯塔克相比,而且《钢铁侠II》的部分情节就是在穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)里拍摄的,你俩见过面吗?

    Elon Musk has been compared to Tony Stark , and parts of Iron Man 2 were filmed at a SpaceX facility . Did you ever meet ?

  22. 它也正在利用自己的规模优势。最近迪士尼公司同意斥资40亿美元收购惊奇娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)——这家漫画公司凭借《钢铁侠》(IronMan)和《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)创下了电影票房纪录。

    It is using that size to its advantage , recently agreeing to buy Marvel Entertainment -- the comic book company now churning out box office hits like Iron Man and Spider-Man -- for $ 4 billion .

  23. 在上周二发布于脸书上的一段视频中,马克·扎克伯格首次展示了他的人工智能(AI)家庭助手贾维斯,其灵感源自《钢铁侠》系列电影中托尼·斯塔克的AI助手贾维斯。

    In a Facebook video posted last Tuesday , Mark Zuckerberg debuted his artificial intelligence ( AI ) home assistant Jarvis , which was inspired by Tony Stark 's AI assistant Jarvis from the Iron Man movies .

  24. 人们常说,《钢铁侠》系列电影中傲慢自负的企业大亨托尼•斯塔克(TonyStark)就是以马斯克为原型创作出来的,但马斯克本人似乎最终失去了展望未来的才能。

    It seemed that the man who is often said to be the inspiration for Tony Stark , the brash tycoon in the Iron Man movies , might finally have lost his knack for vision .

  25. 漫威与中国传媒公司DMG娱乐传媒集团(DMGEntertainmentGroup)达成了一项协议,DMG向《钢铁侠3》投入了一笔未披露金额的资金,还将参与组织该片的市场营销和发行放映。

    Marvel struck a deal with DMG Entertainment , a Chinese media group , for an undisclosed investment in the production , with DMG lined up to market and distribute the film .

  26. 小罗伯特・唐尼(RobertDowneyJr.)去年来到中国出席《钢铁侠3》(IronMan3)的首映式时,他说自己吃中药,还有自己的中国医生,以此与中国观众拉近关系。

    When Robert Downey Jr. visited last year for the opening of ' Iron Man 3 , ' he attempted to bond with Chinese audiences by noting that he practices Chinese traditional medicine and has his own Chinese doctor .

  27. 视频中,《钢铁侠》(IronMan)系列电影的主演小罗伯特·唐尼(RobertDowneyJr.)把一个特制的3-D打印仿生手臂交给了一个名叫亚历克斯·布林(AlexPring)的男孩。他比我的儿子小一岁。

    In the video , Robert Downey Jr. , star of the Iron Man movie franchise , presented a customized 3-D printed bionic hand to a boy named Alex Pring , one year younger than my son .

  28. 他还发明过钢铁侠可以发射的火箭的镭射手臂,JamesBond式的镭射手表,和这款钢铁侠手套一样,也能发射破坏性的激光。

    His past masterpieces include an Iron Man-like gauntlet that launches real rockets and a laser watch inspired by the James Bond franchise . Similar to the Iron Man glove , the laser shooting from the watch is powerful enough to burn through objects .

  29. 答:这还要追溯到《钢铁侠I》的准备拍摄阶段,当时SpaceX公司还在一幢更小的楼里,埃隆•穆斯克当时也还不像今天这样家喻户晓。

    The genesis of that goes back to preproduction for iron man I , when SpaceX was in a smaller facility and Elon Musk was not a household name .

  30. 众所周知,自从《钢铁侠》于2013年上映以来,DC扩展宇宙就经历了一段坎坷之路。而《神奇女侠》成为其系列电影中收视率最高的电影,华纳兄弟在续集中寻求稳扎稳打也就不足为奇了。

    As most will know , the DC Extended Universe has suffered a rocky road since Man of Steel released in 2013 , and with Wonder Woman being the highest rated film in its franchise , it should be no surprise that Warner Bros. are playing it safe for the sequel .