
  • 网络quantum gravity theory
  1. 量子引力理论与量子宇宙学

    Quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology

  2. 本文对量子引力理论和量子宇宙学作了简单述评,讨论了两者之间的逻辑关系。

    Quantum gravity theory and quantum cosmology are simply reviewed and their logical relations are discussed .

  3. 蛋白质折叠的量子引力理论

    Method of quantum gravity on protein folding

  4. 最后从量子引力理论角度出发对相关结果作了估算,得到了与经典理论自洽的结果。

    Finally we estimate our system in Quantum Gravity opinion and get the same result .

  5. 基本统一论由量子引力理论、量子弱力理论、量子电磁理论、量子强力理论和超统一理论组成。

    The basic unified theory comprises of quantum gravity , quantum weak force , quantum electromagnetic force , quantum strong force and the super-unified theory .

  6. 近年来它逐渐为人们所重视并被认为是任何一个量子引力理论必须满足的基本原理。

    In recent years this proposal has been well concerned and widely believed that it might be viewed as a fundamental principle for any quantum theory of gravity .

  7. 然而即使在缺乏成熟的量子引力理论时,我们也可以讨论一些基本问题,比如黑洞可观测参量的量子谱。

    Nonetheless there are still some fundament issues that can be investigated even the absence of the full-developed quantum theory , say , what is the quantum spectrum of the black hole .

  8. 波究瓦德发现他必须创建一个新的数学模式来使用循环量子引力理论,以便更加精确地探究大弹跳之前的宇宙。

    Bojowald found he had to create a new mathematical model to use with the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity in order to explore the universe before the Big Bounce with more precision .

  9. 科学家们觉得,这两个基本理论的依托是一个量子引力理论,广义相对论和常规量子理论是它的绝佳近似值,这就像艾萨克·牛顿在17世纪后期提出的万有引力理论,除某些极端情况外,应用起来通常都没问题。

    It 's suspected that underlying both theories is a theory of quantum gravity , from which general relativity and conventional quantum theory emerge as excellent approximations just as Isaac Newton 's theory of gravity , posed in the late 17th century , works fine except in some extreme situations .

  10. 科学家的希望是,如果能找到广义相对论站不住脚的一些黑暗角落——这有可能是因为它描述的引力场如此强大——那么我们或许会发现它欠缺了哪些成分,而这可能会指明通向量子引力理论的道路。

    The hope is , then , that if we can find some dark corner of the universe where general relativity fails , perhaps because the gravitational fields it describes are so enormously strong , we might glimpse what extra ingredient is needed - one that might point the way to a theory of quantum gravity .

  11. 如何建立量子的引力理论是二十世纪物理学向我们提出的最大课题。

    The greatest task raised by physics in this century is how to construct a quantum gravity theory .

  12. 量子引力时空理论的横断语境分析,显示了量子引力理论提出的现实语境和对其进行求解的语境选择所具有的重要意义。

    A diatropic contextual analysis indicates the actual contexts in which quantum gravity theory is proposed and the importance of explanatory contextual choices .

  13. 量子引力时空理论的纵向语境分析,表明了数学成果的现存性及对它的分析决定了时空理论形式语言的形式语境、语义语境及语用语境的变换;

    As the longitudinal contextual analysis shows , the existence of mathematical findings and their analysis determine the changes in syntactic context , semantic context and pragmatic context of space-time formal language .

  14. 尽管黑洞信息丢失之谜的完整解释要在量子引力或弦理论的框架内完成,但是为解决黑洞信息丢失之谜,用半经典的隧穿方法研究了球对称荷电黑洞的隧穿辐射特征。

    Although the intensive explanation for the puzzle of the information loss needs the quantum gravitation theory or the string theory , the semi-classical tunneling method is used for investigating the tunneling radiation characteristics of the spherically symmetric charged black hole .

  15. 扩展的纽结量子引力态这个问题只有在完全量子引力理论中才可能真正的解决。

    The extended knot states under the representation of the diffeomorphism group In all likelihood , this question can only be addressed in the context of quantum theory of gravity .