
yòu shāo
  • 动词/名词glaze firing
  1. 釉烧温度和保温时间对陶瓷坯釉适应性影响的研究

    Study on the Adaptive Effect of Glaze Firing Temperature and Heat preservation on Ceramic Green Bodies

  2. 分别用这两种熔块制备了熔块釉,釉烧温度为850~1000℃。

    Fritted glaze were made using the two kinds of frits , and the glaze firing temperature was during 850 ~ 1000 ℃ .

  3. 低温搪瓷釉烧成温度的计算

    The calculation of low temperature enamel glaze burning temperature

  4. 不完全燃烧理论在铜红釉烧成气氛研究中的应用

    The application of incomplete combustion theory in the study of firing atmosphere for copper red glaze

  5. 结果表明:用不完全燃烧理论确定铜红釉烧成气氛是切实可行的;

    The results show that it is practicable to determine the firing atmosphere of copper red glaze by incomplete combustion theory .

  6. 探讨了影响釉烧成温度的诸因素及釉的乳浊机理。

    The factors which affect the firing temperature of the glaze were discussed , and the opacifying mechanism of glaze was also approached .

  7. 实验中在氧化气氛中烧成,釉烧温度一般在850℃左右,烧成周期30-60分钟,高火保温时间2-3分钟。

    Experiments doing in oxygen gases . has a burning temperature ordinary 850 degree about , Burning period 30-60 minutes , high temperature preservation 2-3 minutes .

  8. 在铜红釉烧成气氛的研究中,应用了不完全燃烧理论,详细推导了其计算过程。

    The theory of incomplete combustion is applied in the study of the firing atmosphere for the production of copper red glaze , which calculation steps are derived in every detail and particular .

  9. 闪光釉的烧成宜于快速冷却;

    The glisten glaze should be cooled quickly after sintering ;

  10. 汝瓷的烧制,以小支钉满釉支烧。

    Ru 's firing , glaze over a small branch nail sticks burning .

  11. 无釉快烧黑瓷砖的研制

    Study on Non-glaze Fast-firing Black Porcelain Brick

  12. 讨论了釉料悬浮剂、烧成温度及时间对釉层烧成质量的影响。

    Discussed the influence of suspending agent firing temperature and firing time on the glazed surface of the glazed cement product .

  13. 前言:搪瓷釉的烧成过程是一种“液相烧结”过程,其传质有赖于熔体的粘性流动。

    The baking process of enamel glaze in a liquid-baked process , whose medium depends on the sticky flow of glass state melted objects .

  14. 通过在釉料配方中加入多种助熔物质,如玻璃粉等,降低硅酸锌结晶釉的烧成温度(1200℃左右)。

    In order to reduce the firing temperature of zinc silicate crystalline glaze , a variety of fluxing agents such as glass powder etc. were added to the glaze , and made the firing temperature down to 1200 ℃ .

  15. 汝窑的工匠,以名贵的玛瑙入釉,烧成了具有“青如天,面如玉,蝉翼纹,晨星稀,芝麻支钉釉满足”典型特色的汝瓷。

    Ru craftsmen to precious agate into glaze , firing of a " green , such as days , facial jade , onion skin pattern , Morningstar rare , sesame sticks nail enamel to meet the " typical characteristics of Ru .

  16. 金属光泽釉内墙砖烧成制度优化

    Optimization of Firing System for Inner Wall Tile of Metallic Luster Glaze

  17. 既可以用于高温釉下彩烧成又可以使用于釉上彩低温烧成,它们的成色效果皆佳。

    Can use at the colour below high temperature glair already firing can use again go up at glair colour low temperature is firing , their quality effect all beautiful .

  18. 介绍了铅的替代物、无铅熔块及釉料的配方设计和加工制造工艺,对无铅熔块釉的釉烧、铅的再污染等问题进行了阐述。

    This paper introduced substitutes for lead , leadless frits and leadless glaze formulation design and making techniques , and then expatiated on firing of leadless glazes , plumbeous recontamination , etc.

  19. 通过对古窑址的调查、考察并搜集自商代以来有代表性的青釉陶瓷标本进行分析,从形成瓷器的基本条件、原料选用、施釉方法、烧成技术等方面研究我国的瓷器起源。

    Through the investigation of ancient kiln sites and analyses of typical samples of celadon since Shang Dy-nasty , the origin of Chinese porcelains was studied from the aspects of porcelain forming coditions , raw materials , glazing methods and firing technology , etc.

  20. 坯釉配方对陶瓷烧成及其质量的影响

    Effects of Batching of Body and Glaze on Ceramic Firing and Quality

  21. 釉料配方、釉料细度、釉层厚度、烧成制度等是决定虹彩效果的重要因素。

    The important factors that determine the effect of luster glaze are glaze formula , glaze particles , galze thickness and firing system .

  22. 在确保发光釉熔融的条件下,釉烧温度愈低,烧成周期愈短,发光陶瓷的发光性能愈好。

    As far as luminescent glaze melts , burning temperature can be lower and burning period can be short .

  23. 一般都采用二次烧成,即先烧好素胎再施琉璃釉,然后再经低温釉烧而成。

    Has opted to fire the second , that is a good first-burning tires Zaishi glass glaze , and then by the low-temperature glaze from burning .

  24. 结果表明,这种缺陷产生的主要原因是由于使用了氧化物着色及原料配比、釉浆性能、施釉厚度、烧成温度、烧成气氛控制不当所致。

    The result indicates that the deficiency is referred to improper use of the oxide colourant and material composition , the control of glaze property , glaze thickness , the firing temperature and the firing atmosphere control .

  25. 在发光材料研究的基础上,进而研究了Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)发光陶瓷釉的制备工艺;研究了发光釉的釉烧制度,并且得出最佳的釉烧条件;

    Then , the paper studies the process of preparation for luminescent ceramics glaze of Sr_2MgSi_2O_7 : Eu ~ 2 + , Dy ~ 3 + , discuss the burning regulations of luminescent ceramic glaze , and obtain the best burning condition to produce very better luminescent glaze ceramics .

  26. 本课题通过研究基础釉的配方组成、发光粉的加入量、施釉和烧成等工艺条件,制备了在1130℃烧成,并具有长余辉发光特性的陶瓷发光釉料。

    As a result , the ceramic glaze , which is made up from the coated-powder , would be sintered in1130 ℃ while was1080 ℃ in the past .

  27. 研究分析了基础釉的成分、蓄光粉的加入量、釉层厚度和烧成温度制度等因素对荧光陶瓷发光性能的影响,确定了荧光陶瓷制品最佳的工艺技术路线。

    The effects of the basic glaze content , the added quantity of the photoluminescent pigment , the thickness of the glaze and the firing temperature on the glowing property of light-storing ceramics were studied in this paper , and the optimum processes of serial products were determined .

  28. 其工艺基础为底釉、面釉分别制备,三次施釉,一次烧成。

    The process is based on producing ground glaze and surface glaze in difference , spraying glaze three times , firing one time .

  29. 孔雀绿釉又称“法翠”,是一种用氧化铅为助熔剂二次烧成的低温铅釉,创烧于14世纪的景德镇。

    Green glaze is also called " Facui ", one of lead glaze that was burned under low temperature in14 C.

  30. 针对钙镁硅酸盐系列结晶釉,研究配方中钙、镁氧化物含量及CaO/MgO比值发生变化时,对釉烧温度及析晶体矿物种属、析晶集合体形态的影响;

    CaO / MgO crystalline glazes and the influence of CaO / MgO ratio on firing temperature of glazes of Ca-Mg silicates were studied .