
  1. 采用统一的表达形式对MC供应链中的通用件与定制件生产/采购批量及库存控制问题进行描述。

    The lot-sizing and inventory control problem between MC manufacturer and its universal or customized component suppliers is described as a uniform expression .

  2. 存货是企业重要的资产,通过加强内部控制、ABC分类管理、经济采购批量控制、整合供应链、重构作业链、利用社会物流系统、存货抵押贷款等方法,可以有效提高企业经济效益。

    Stock is important assets of enterprises . Enterprises ' economic benefit can be effectively raised through strengthening internal control , ABC classified management , economical purchase amount control , reorganizing supply chain , reconstructing working chain , by means of social materials distribution systems , loan on stock pledge .

  3. 有货物价格折扣情况下确定采购批量的理论分析和计算方法

    Theoretical Analysis and Calculating Methods Determining the Purchase Batch on Goods Discount Basis

  4. 利用成本优化、概率论等理论和方法,制定经济合理的采购批量。

    The economic order quantity will be decided by applying the theory and method of optimizing cost and probability .

  5. 解决这一问题的有效手段之一是将现代库存理论应用于我国企业备件管理工作的实践,优化备件的存储量和采购批量。

    One solution to this problem is employing modern inventory theory to optimize the inventory and replenishment of spare parts .

  6. 构建了生产企业备件供应是否允许缺货判定模型以及允许缺货条件下的采购批量决策模型。

    Stock-out determination model for spare parts supply of manufacturing firms and batch purchasing decision model for admitting on stock-out of spare parts were constituted .

  7. 从采购批量与供应链利润的关系入手,提出了供应链环境下实施批量折扣的必要性;

    Starting with the relationship between order quantity and the profit of a supply chain , the necessity of quantity discounts in a supply chain is put forward .

  8. 在已确定采购批量的情况下,通过建立模型实现供应商的最优选择和配额,达到降低采购成本、提高采购质量和降低拖期交货时间等目标。

    On the case of certain purchase quantity , we make a model to obtain the optimal selection of the suppliers and quotas to reduce the cost of the purchase and time .

  9. 在单个分销商和单个供应商构成的供应链中,由供应商来决定采取延期支付还是提前支付的商业信用政策,分销商根据供应商的信用政策确定最优的采购批量。

    In the supply chain consisted of single distributor and single supplier , the supplier decides whether to take postponed payment or prepayment as credit policy , while the distributor determines his optimal order quantity according to credit policy provided by the supplier .

  10. 本文主要从现金持有量、应收账款信用条件、存货采购批量、亏损产品是否停产、是否接受特殊追加订货等短期经营决策方面谈机会成本的应用。

    This article discusses the application of opportunity cost on the side of short term decision such as amount of cash hold , amount receivable , credit terms , inventory purchase lot , product at a loss and acceptance of special additional order and etc.

  11. 就供应商鼓励制造商大批量采购提供批量折扣的情况进行说明,介绍全单位和累进制两种基本的折扣方法。

    Description about bulk discounts for encouraging manufacturers to ordering with high-volume bulk , introduction of two discounting methods : all units quantity discount and incremental quantity discount .

  12. 计划员分使用部门组织相关人员评审采购周期和批量。

    Planner organize relevant personnel to review procurement cycle and bulk divide use departments .

  13. 学生公寓床的采购特点是批量大、任务急、样式不够明确,且供应厂家众多。

    The characteristics of the purchase of student dormitory beds are large quantity , urgency , model variety , and multiple suppliers .

  14. 通过建模和分析,得到了最优外部采购的经济订货批量,以及最佳装配策略和零件存储策略。

    Through the modelling and analysis , both the economic order quantity for newly procured products and the policy of optimal assembly and stocking are obtained .

  15. 采购配送:集中采购小批量多批次货物,在园区内进行简单增值服务后再进行配送;

    Purchase and Distribution : Small quantity and multi-batch commodities are purchased in a centralized way , and then distributed after simple value-added service being conducted in the area .

  16. 全球采购的优点是整车厂可充分利用世界范围内的零部件竞争优势,获取市场的最新技术,适应汇率波动以及集团采购的批量效果,得到最佳质量、最佳服务、最合理价格的配套产品。

    The advantage of global sourcing is that car makers can make the best of suppliers competition to get the new technology , adapt the exchange rate and group sourcing effect . The car makers will get components with the best quality , service and cost .