  • Taoist sacrificial ceremony;libation at a wedding ceremony
  • 古代婚娶时用酒祭神的礼:再~(再婚)。

  • 道士设坛念经做法事:打~。

  1. 结论丹参采用根段繁殖时,将丹参根剪成约6cm的根段,然后在200ppm生根粉溶液中醮一下,扦插至微露,能提高丹参根的产量及品质。

    Conclusion When roots are used as breeding material , the method can improve the yields and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge .

  2. 道教建醮文化在视觉艺术上之应用&以玄天上帝庙建醮活动为例

    The Application of Taoist Jiao-establishing Culture in Visual Art

  3. 苹果醮毒,让死之沉睡渗入。

    Let the sleeping death seep through .

  4. 死亡是生命之镜:《醮》2006年演出

    Death is the Mirror of Life : Stage Mirrors of Life ( Jiao ) in 2006

  5. 身体与空间的原型&试论林丽珍的《醮》之形式

    Prototype of Body and Space

  6. 然而正是这悲剧的意识使许多人醮着它的汁液抒写出了许多生命的华章。

    However , it is the awareness of tragedy that contributes to literary works about brilliant human life .

  7. 作为乡村民间文化的主要传承者,道士往往通过包括清醮在内的各种醮事活动,传承着乡村民俗与文化。

    As the main carriers of folk culture , Taoist priests spread the folk customs and culture through the Taoism activities .

  8. 颜真卿少时家贫缺纸笔,用笔醮黄土水在墙上练字。

    Yan lived in a poor family when he was young and had to practice calligraphy on the wall by using mud .

  9. 将它碎成酱汁状,用一团棉球醮着西红柿的酱汁涂擦在你洗净的脸上。

    Break it sauce shape , wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face .

  10. 分析清醮民俗活动中文化内涵的同时,也应对其所包含的封建迷信内容保持高度的警惕。

    Analysis of religious folk-culture activities at the same time , we should also maintain a high degree of vigilance to the feudal superstition .

  11. 而我自己也真不知道,当人在我里面醮的时候,下一步会是甚么样。

    It 's quite incredible , and I really don 't know what is coming next when that man dips his pen into me .

  12. 把右手的一个指头醮在左手的油里,在耶和华面前用指头弹七次。

    Dip his right forefinger into the oil in his palm , and with his finger sprinkle some of it before the Lord seven times .

  13. 把指头醮于血中,在耶和华面前对着圣所的幔子弹血七次。

    He is to dip his finger into the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the Lord , in front of the curtain of the sanctuary .

  14. 祭司要用指头醮些羊的血,抹在燔祭坛的四角上,所有的血都要倒在坛的脚那里。

    Then the priest is to take some of the blood with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering and pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar .

  15. 亚伦的儿子把血奉给他,他就把指头醮在血中,抹在坛的四角上,又把血倒在坛脚那里。

    His sons brought the blood to him , and he dipped his finger into the blood and put it on the horns of the altar ; the rest of the blood he poured out at the base of the altar .

  16. 清醮活动兴盛于赣西北乡村,迎合了改革开放后民众的较普遍的求富心理,并在一定程度上填充了乡村民众集体文化活动的空白。

    The Taoism rituals became popular in the villages of southwest Jiangxi , appealing to the people 's mind for wealth after the initiation of the reform and opening-up , and to a certain degree , filled the gap of folk collective cultural activities .

  17. 结果表明,江西民俗体育中的舞龙、赛龙舟和傩舞与图腾崇拜有密切关系,中秋迎龙神求雨,秋醮演地戏、重阳登高与道教又有丝连关系。

    The results showed that there are close relationship between totemism and dragon dancing , dragon boat competing , and dancing for getting rid of devil while the Taoism is related to the asking the dragon god for rain at the Mid-Autumn Festival , climbing mountain at Chung Yeung Festival .