
  1. 再论郭小川诗作中的战士情结

    More on Guo Xiaochuan 's " Soldier Complex " in His Poetry

  2. 潜在写作是个多层次的文学形态,它还包括郭小川在干校里创作的诗歌;

    Potential writing is a literature entity which takes a shape of various levels .

  3. 郭小川以其奉献于当代诗坛的大量战歌赢得了战士诗人的称号。

    Guo Xiaochuan won the title of a soldier-poet for many of his fighting songs sung .

  4. 政治性与诗性的关系是郭小川政治抒情诗研究的切入点。

    The relationship between political and poetic study is the starting point Guo Xiaochuan political lyrics .

  5. 新中国的诞生,开辟了郭小川生活与创作的新时代。

    The birth of new China ushered the new era of Guo Xiao-chuan 's life and creation .

  6. 融合·冲突·缝合&从郭小川《深深的山谷》看知识分子与革命关系

    Integration , Conflict and Suture & The Relationship between Intellectuals and Revolution Shown in Guo Xiaochuan 's Deep Valley

  7. 时代主旋律高音区域内的不和谐音符&对郭小川诗歌的再解读

    The Disharmonious Notes in the High Register of the Theme of Era : Review on Guo Xiaochuan 's Poems

  8. 多重角色的多重超越&郭小川《望星空》新探

    Multiple Surpassing of the Multiple Roles & A New Exploration of Looking at the Starry Sky by Guo Xiaochuan

  9. 在不断地追求中,郭小川形成了独特地艺术风格,实现了诗歌创作地不断发展和提升。

    In constant pursuit , Guo Xiaochuan formed unique artistic style , realized the continuous development and poetry creation to ascend .

  10. 正值少年时代末尾的郭小川投身于民族解放战争的风暴,投身于可以将自己百炼成钢的火热溶炉。

    In the end of juvenile times of Guo Xiaochuan , he jumps into in the storm of the national Liberation War .

  11. 郭小川作为政治抒情诗的杰出代表,无疑是研究评价十七年诗歌的最佳视角。

    Guo Xiaochuan as outstanding representatives of political lyrics , is to study the evaluation of 17 years is undoubtedly the best view poetry .

  12. 郭小川在中国新诗发展史上创造了两种新诗体:“长短句体”和“郭小川体”;

    Guo Xiao - chuan creates two new forms of poem in history of modern Chinese poem : form of long and short sentence ;

  13. 郭小川六七十年代的诗艺之思主要集中在他的《谈诗书简》里。

    Thinking an Poetic skill in 1960 's and 1970 's by GUO Xiao - chuan is mainly collected in his " letters of talking poetry " .

  14. 然而,新诗人同当时意识形态之间的张力还是存在的,以郭小川为例,其战士和诗人的双重角色在其文本中留下了意识形态间隙。

    However , tension between new poets and then ideology still exist . With Guo Xiaochuan for example , his dual role between soldier and poet leave ideology interspace in his text .

  15. 首先,他从一个士兵走上政治抒情诗人的道路既是跟随时代主流意识形态的结果,也是郭小川自发自觉的选择。

    First of all , he is a soldier who took to the road of political lyrics with the times is the result of the mainstream ideology , but it is also self-conscious choice of Guo Xiaochuan .