
  • 网络Zheng Chenggong;koxinga
  1. 蒋总司令有时就被称作当代的郑成功,但台湾显然想要避免郑成功一家那样的命运。

    The Generalissimo Chiang himself was sometimes spoken of as a latter-day Koxinga , though clearly Taiwan would like to avoid the fate of the Zheng family .

  2. 郑成功的死因中外众说纷纭,但总的来说,不外乎毒杀说和病死说。

    There are vary opinions about Zheng cheng-gongs cause of death .

  3. 清初英雄郑成功,收复台湾世界见。

    Qing hero Zheng Chenggong , recovering around the world to see .

  4. 台湾地区郑成功信仰之历史研究

    The Historical Research on the Belief of Taiwan People in Zheng Chenggong

  5. 郑成功1662年从荷兰人手中收复台湾。

    Zheng Chenggong rid Taiwan of the Dutch in 1662 .

  6. “赐姓爷”,是指郑成功。

    The title " lord of given surname " refers to Zheng chenggong .

  7. 郑成功信仰研究

    Research in the Belief of Zheng Cheng Gong

  8. 至清顺治十八年(1661年)郑成功收复台湾建立政权,此后台湾得到更进一步的开发和发展。

    From 1661 when Zheng Chenggong recovered Taiwan , Taiwan had experienced further development .

  9. 通过对郑成功死亡的各个疑点的分析,可以明确地得出郑成功是正常死亡,且是得伤寒病病逝的。

    I analyse every questionable points of his death and find he was death of exogenous febrile disease .

  10. 关于郑成功家族的历史活动一直是中外学术界关注的一个重要课题。

    The historical activities of Zheng Chenggong family has been an important research topic of Chinese and foreign Scholars .

  11. 台湾在明朝遗民(指郑成功?)接管之前从来就不是中国的一部分,之后满清将其吞并。

    Taiwanwas never part of Chinaproper until the Ming remnants took over the Islandand later the Manchurian Qing fully incorporated it .

  12. 郑成功、陈永华对台湾儒学教育的创建与影响,体现了闽台文化之间的传承关系。

    Zheng and Chen 's creation and influence to Taiwan 's Confucian education reflected relationship of transfer and inheritance between Min-Tai culture .

  13. 史料记载,这就是民族英雄郑成功当年训练水师的水操台。

    According to historical documents , this was where Zheng chenggong , the Ming Dynasty hero , oversaw the training of his navy .

  14. 赐姓爷,是指郑成功。云南这块土地抚育了郑和,也成就了郑和。

    The title " Lord of Given Surname " refers to Zheng Chenggong . Yunnan nurtured Zheng He , and helped to achieve his success .

  15. 在他三十九年的生命里,郑成功一直处于国际化的环境中,与日本、荷兰、西班牙等国之人接触频繁。

    In the thirty-ninth year of his life , he had been in an international environment , and kept in touch with Japanese 、 Netherlanderen 、 Spanish and other countries people .

  16. 郑成功出生于日本,其母亲翁氏是日本人,因为拥有一半的日本血统,所以在不同时代,日本总是赋予郑成功不同的想象、不同的文化意义,以便从文化上支持其统治。

    Because of having Japanese blood relationship , He is endowed with different imagination , different cultural significance in the different times . Japan was in this way to support its rule from culture aspect .

  17. 1661年(清顺治18年),郑成功率众进军台湾,于次年驱逐了盘踞台湾的荷兰殖民者。

    In 1661 ( 18th year of the reign of Qing Emperor Shunzhi ) General Zheng Chenggong ( Koxinga ) led an expedition to Taiwan and expelled the Dutch colonialists from the island in the following year .

  18. 岛上有日光岩、菽庄花园、皓月园,郑成功纪念馆、海底世界和天然海滨浴场等旅游景点。

    On the island there are tourist attractions like the Sunlight Rock , the Shu Zhuang Garden , the Bright Moon Garden , the Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall , the Underwater World and the Natural Sea Resort .

  19. 清初,以郑成功集团为首的抗清势力集中于福建沿海地区,反清活动频繁,福建海防战略地位凸显。

    The early Qing Dynasty , due to the opposition group led by Zheng chenggong concentrated in the coastal areas of Fujian province and engaged in actions against the Qing government , the coastal defense strategic position of fujian appear important up .