
  • 网络Chung
  1. 通过与姐姐——小提琴家郑京和(Kyung-whaChung)与大提琴家郑明和(Myung-whaChung)——表演三重奏,他崭露头角,后来又在国际上开始了音乐指挥生涯。

    He rose to prominence while playing in a trio with his sisters - the violinist Kyung-wha Chung and the cellist Myung-wha Chung - before embarking on an international conducting career .

  2. 伦敦:著名小提琴家郑京和时隔12年后在伦敦举办首演,她因观众席上一名孩子咳嗽公然责备其父母的举动吓到了观众和乐评人。

    LONDON : Renowned violinist Kyung-wha Chung has publicly berated the parents of a coughing child during her first performance here in 12 years , shocking the audience and music critics .

  3. 英国小提琴家ThomasGould也在观众席上,他推文说:在郑京和令人不解地冲孩子的父母发怒后,难以被她演奏的莫扎特感染。

    British violinist Thomas Gould was also in the audience , and tweeted : Difficult to be charmed by Kyung-wha Chung 's Mozart after her curious outburst at parents of a coughing child .

  4. 英国小提琴家ThomasGould也在观众席上,他推文说:“在郑京和令人不解地冲孩子的父母发怒后,难以被她演奏的莫扎特感染”。

    British violinist Thomas Gould was also in the audience , and tweeted : " Difficult to be charmed by Kyung-wha Chung 's Mozart after her curious outburst at parents of a coughing child .