
  • 网络The Dow Theory;Dow's Theory
  1. 另一位道氏理论观察家、RaymondJames的索特(JeffreySaut)认为,道琼斯运输分类指数的关键水平不是6月份时的高点。

    Raymond James'Jeffrey Saut , another Dow Theory watcher , maintains that the key level for the Dow Jones Transports is not the June high .

  2. 道氏理论是技术分析流派的鼻祖。

    Dow theory is the originator of the technical analysis school .

  3. 道氏理论很大程度上依赖历史图表。

    Dow Theory depends greatly on the use of historical charts .

  4. 道氏理论试图描述的特征,这些市场波动。

    Dow Theory attempts to describe the character of these market movements .

  5. 他同时创立了道氏理论。

    He also put together the Dow Theory .

  6. 道氏理论。:。一项历史悠久的技术市场理论,考虑股票平均指数。

    Dow Theory a long-established technical market theory which considers , among other things , stock index averages .

  7. 根据我对道氏理论的理解,我看好后市。

    Based on my Dow Theory interpretation , I turned bullish , 'Russell wrote in a letter published today .

  8. 技术分析是指运用证券的价格、成交量等历史信息预测证券价格未来走势的投资分析方法,最早源于美国的道氏理论。

    Technical analysis is an investment method to forecast the stock prices trends by the study of past information of the stock , which originated from the Dow 's theory .

  9. 技术分析方法最早源于美国的道氏理论,经过一百多年的应用,已经与基本分析共同组成金融市场两大重要的投资分析流派,而技术指标则是技术分析中不可缺少的分析工具。

    Technical analysis first from the United States Dow Theory , and more than one hundred years after application it together with basic analysis common component of two important schools of investment analysis at financial market .

  10. 随后回顾了国内外学者关于企业社会责任与市场表现的实证研究,并阐明了利益相关者理论、资本市场有效性理论、决策有用性理论以及道氏股价波动理论,构成了本研究的理论基础。

    After reviewing the empirical research on CSR and corporate financial performance at home and abroad , the thesis illustrate the theory of stakeholders , the theory of capital market efficiency , as well as the Dow Theory , which form theoretic foundation of this study .