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xiá ěr
  • far and near
遐迩 [xiá ěr]
  • [far and near] 远近

遐迩[xiá ěr]
  1. 苍山的云更是名传遐迩。

    Cangshan is more of the cloud-Xiaer .

  2. 你热情的讲话体现了中国悠久的历史和文化中蜚声遐迩的好客传统。

    Your kind words testify to the long tradition of hospitality so prominent in Chinese history and culture .

  3. 《遐迩贯珍》,作为第一份在中国本土创办的杂志,是传教士对中国进行文字播道的新起点。

    The Chinese Serial , as the first magazine founded in China , is a new starting point for the missionary to broadcast China in characters .

  4. 它不仅是英国文学中的一部经典之作,而且在世界文坛上也名博遐迩,为各国读者所青睐。

    Not only the classic work in British literature is it , but also a significant work has attracted large number of readers from various countries .

  5. 然而,不少已故之人却也只能得到这样的悼词和赞语,尽管他们在社会上也曾经出头露面,声闻遐迩。

    These are , however , very common funeral orations , and eulogies on deceased persons who have acted among mankind with some figure and reputation .

  6. 呈现出的如此美妙的景色,可以说是超过了驰名遐迩的怀特岛的类似景致。

    A scene so wonderful and so lovely is exhibited , as may more than equal any of the resembling scene of the far-famed Isle of Wight .

  7. 以红酒、橄榄及橄榄油文明遐迩欧洲地中海地区,也对当地烹饪技法产生深远影响。

    Like the Mediterranean areas of Europe , it is famous for its wine , olives and olive oil , all of which play a prominent role in the local cuisine .

  8. 是以古井贡酒为龙头的中国白酒大基地,以全国最大中药材市场为标志的中国药材第一市,还是文明遐迩的中国黄牛金三角。

    Bozhou is regarded as a wine vintage center of China with Gujing Tribute Wine as the most famous brand ; it has a first-class medical materials market , and is a famous cattle-breeding center .

  9. 昨天,我爸爸他还是一个名间遐迩的缅甸树医,可是他现在却变成一个药剂师了…

    It 's like , yesterday , ya know , my dad was this , like , famous Burma tree surgeon guy and , ya know , now he 's a , a pharmacist guy and ...

  10. 作为全国文明遐迩的市场大省,浙江以小商品、大市场、小摊户、大网络为特点的专业市场的发展,是民营经济发展皇冠上一颗璀璨的明珠。

    The growth of specialized market which is characterized as " small commodities , large market ; little shops , big network " is the most shinning pearl on the crown of Zhejiang private economy without any doubt .

  11. 我对这事情百思而不得其解.梅普尔神甫已因真诚和圣洁而拥有如此名震遐迩的声誉,我怎能怀疑他不过是靠任何狡诈手法才博得赫赫名声呢。

    I pondered some time without fully comprehending the reason for this . Father Mapple enjoyed such a wide reputation for sincerity and sanctity , that I could not suspect him of courting notoriety by any mere tricks of the stage .

  12. 《遐迩贯珍》每月发行一次,发行数量3000册,每册从11页到24页不等,共出版33期,存在着明确的读者群。

    The Chinese Serial was published once in a month , which had a total amount of 3000 . And each one contained 11 pages to 24 pages . It was published 33 issues in total , and had a specific readership .
