
zhěn yù
  • boundary
畛域 [zhěn yù]
  • [boundary] 界限,范围

  • 泛泛乎其若四方之无穷,其无所畛域。--《庄子.秋水》

畛域[zhěn yù]
  1. 清末最后十年的平满汉畛域问题

    Problem of Manchu-Han Integration in the Last Ten Years of Qing Dynasty

  2. 第二部分叙述了允许满汉通婚、司法同一和官制、旗务管理体制改革等平满汉畛域的推行所引起的八旗社会的巨大变化。

    Part two : Narrate the enormous changes caused by implementation of eliminating Man-Han distinction .

  3. 满汉畛域对于晚清政局的演变和张之洞的政治生涯都产生了重要的影响。

    Man-Han distinction has an important effect on Zhang 's political life and the change of late-Qing 's political situation .

  4. 同源字与异体字在理论上有着明确的畛域,但事实上二者有一定交叉。

    Theoretically , paronyms and words with variant forms are clearly demarcated , but in practice , there are certain overlaps between the two .

  5. 既然你们是上帝畛域中的一道气息,上帝森林里的一片树叶,那你们也应当寄身于理性,运行于热情。

    And since you are a breath In God 's sphere , and a leaf in God 's forest , you too should rest in reason and move in passion .

  6. 因而,它为刑事立法与刑事司法划定了畛域值,为刑法学内部诸多制度的建构明确了扩张与收缩的底线。

    So it ascertain a standard for criminal legislation and criminal judicature ; And it definitude for many system 's construction of criminal law a base line of expansion and constriction .

  7. 尤其是,这个家族的女性成员开始突破罗马妇女传统的家庭角色和私人畛域,甚至可以获得独立的政治影响力。

    Especially , women in this family bagan to go beyond the traditional familial role and private domain of Roman women , so much as to gain an independent political force .

  8. 土俄从政治经济安全等方面的共同利益出发,相对超脱于历史上畛域划然的厚重界标,推行务实主义的地缘外交(强化经济意义、淡化政治色彩)。

    Common interests in political and economic security considerations caused the two countries to transcend the once accentuated boundary mark in the historical realm and to push a pragmatic geopolitical foreign policy , emphasizing it economic aspect and lessening its political color .

  9. 考镜道家文化对当代历史小说创作的滋养,对于学术文化视野下拓展历史小说研究畛域,加强学术研究的薄弱环节而言,具有重要意义。

    Investigating the effect of Taoist religious culture on ( present ) - day historical novel creation is very important for us to extend the research field of historical novel under academic ken and to enhance the weak points of academic research .