
tòu míng
  • transparent;clearing;hyaline;diaphaneity;vifrification
透明 [tòu míng]
  • [transparent;clearing] [物体]光线能通过的

  • 不透明的

  • 透明体

透明[tòu míng]
  1. 这昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。

    The insect 's wings are almost transparent .

  2. 我看着他清瘦的脸,脸上肌肤几近透明。

    I looked at his thin face with its almost transparent skin .

  3. 我们看见正门上有一张用透明胶带贴的字条。

    We found a note sellotaped to the front door .

  4. 可以在地图上加一层显示人口的透明膜。

    An overlay showing population can be placed on top of the map .

  5. 从信封的透明窗必须能够看清楚地址。

    The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope .

  6. 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。

    Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position

  7. 白内障是一种影响晶状体透明性的疾病。

    Cataracts is a condition that affects the transparency of the lenses .

  8. 这些伤口可能会利索地愈合,也可能会分泌出一种透明的液体。

    The wounds may heal cleanly or they may ooze a clear liquid .

  9. 通过一面单向透明玻璃镜对他们进行暗中监视。

    They were spied on via a two-way mirror .

  10. 她的四肢非常纤细,几乎是透明的。

    Her limbs were insubstantial , almost transparent .

  11. 我用透明胶带把便条贴在他的门上。

    I sellotaped the note to his door .

  12. 公司必须使其账目与运作尽可能地清晰透明。

    The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible .

  13. 将罐子装在透明的塑胶袋中。

    Enclose the pot in a clear polythene bag

  14. 伴娘身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服。

    The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza

  15. 那些透明密闭容器一浸入湖水中就开始溶解。

    The clear capsules start dissolving as soon as they are immersed in the lake .

  16. 据我所知,安东尼经手的金融交易一直是公开透明的。

    All I knew about were Antony 's own financial dealings , which were always above board .

  17. 说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。

    As for doctors , when you go to see them they just look right through you .

  18. 工厂给汽车上了透明罩漆,以防底漆褪色。

    Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading .

  19. 财政大臣强调了他促进政府经济决策公开透明的决心。

    The Chancellor emphasised his determination to promote openness and transparency in the Government 's economic decision-making .

  20. 这些丑闻如今公之于众的事实说明了美国政府的相对透明。

    The fact that these scandals are now public is testament to the relative openness of America 's government .

  21. 纯净的水是透明的。

    Pure water is transparent .

  22. 不过,田纳西大学的透明性值得称赞。

    Still , the University of Tennessee deserves credit for being transparent .

  23. 一些支持者认为有日期和时间戳的透明数据程序能够保护科学家成果免遭被抢先。

    Many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped .

  24. 这是一项产生持续声势的运动:使研究数据、软件代码和实验方法分公开、透明的呼吁。

    It is a movement building steady momentum : a call to make research data , software code and experimental methods publicly available and transparent .

  25. 如果你曾经以“如果我是你……”开始一句话,或者百思不得其解为何答案明明如同水晶般透明,可你的同事却依旧为某个抉择而苦恼。这背后是有科学原因的。

    If you 've ever started a sentence with , " If I were you ... " or found yourself scratching your head at a colleague 's agony over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear , there 's a scientific reason behind it .

  26. 透明的动物使用不同的技巧来对抗散射。

    Transparent animals use different tricks to fight scattering .

  27. 动物为什么会变透明?

    How does an animal become see-through ?

  28. 可以明确的是,对这些大型动物来说,保持透明是一个主动的过程。

    One thing is clear for these larger animals , staying transparent is an active process .

  29. 这意味着一个透明的物体看起来和周围的空气或水没有太大的区别。

    That means a transparent object doesn 't look very different from the surrounding air or water .

  30. 但是透明的动物身体不含色素,因此它们的组织不会吸收光线。

    But a transparent animal doesn 't have pigments , so its tissues won 't absorb light .