
xùn ní pài
  • Sunni;Sunnite
  1. 那里曾是什叶派和逊尼派武装分子的战场

    The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias .

  2. 联合作战的双方看上去能够掌控局面,但代价是疏远了逊尼派,这在政治上对ISIS有利。

    But this is at the cost of Sunni alienation , a political benefit for Isis .

  3. 逊尼派在阿富汗人口中占大多数。

    Sunnis are a large majority of the Afghan population .

  4. 但这个点子带点垂死挣扎的味道:伊朗早已深植于伊拉克的逊尼派,这恰恰是逊尼派又惊又怕的原因。

    That is exactly what enrages and frightens the Sunnis .

  5. 英国一位激进的逊尼派(Sunni)神职人员则更进一步,称对先知穆罕默德形象的描绘是一种战争行为。

    A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further , describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war .

  6. 阿巴迪面对的最紧迫挑战是,争取让逊尼派部族反对ISIS,同时阻止库尔德人的独立努力。

    The most immediate challenge for Mr Abadi is to turn Sunni tribes against Isis and stall the Kurds ' drive towards independence .

  7. 据NPR新闻的阿普里尔·富尔顿报道,这名什叶派领袖发表此番言论时,伊拉克军队开始向逊尼派武装分子施压。

    NPR 's April Fulton reports , the speech by the Shia cleric comes as Iraqi troops began a push against Sunni insurgents .

  8. 最有影响力的逊尼派牧师之一,开罗爱资哈尔的Sheikh谴责安全部队袭击在清真寺中避难的抗议者。

    One of the most influential Sunni clerics , the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo , has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques .

  9. 萨勒曼(Salman)在今年1月接替阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)出任沙特国王,他将权力重新集中在他本人及他的家族周围。萨勒曼国王在3月份宣称,逊尼派将对什叶派以牙还牙。

    King Salman , who succeeded the late King Abdullah in January and recentralised power around himself and his family , served notice in March that he would fight Shia fire with Sunni fire .

  10. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、英国石油(BP)等石油巨擘开始将员工撤离伊拉克。逊尼派(Sunni)武装分子正在攻打伊拉克北部主要炼油厂,试图控制该厂。冲突继续在该国肆虐。

    Oil majors including Exxon-Mobil and BP have started evacuating staff from Iraq as Sunni militants battle for control of the north 's main refinery and clashes continue to rage across the country .

  11. 来自密西根州的参议员莱文在有线电视新闻网CNN的晚间新闻专访节目上说,一旦费卢杰的局势得以控制,必须要设法让逊尼派穆斯林参与政治进程。

    Senator Carl Levin of Michigan told CNN 's Late Edition that , once the situation in Fallujah is under control , efforts must be made to get the Sunnis involved in the political process .

  12. 然而,这波夜间空袭为什叶派的伊朗与沙特及其逊尼派盟友在海湾合作委员会(GCC)展开更广泛、更直接的对抗搭起了舞台。

    However , the overnight strikes set the stage for a broader , more direct confrontation between Shia Iran and Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies in the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) .

  13. 塔阿法(TalAfar)是大量土库曼人的居住地,他们与伊拉克逊尼派阿拉伯人均与基尔库克和摩苏尔相邻。近年来双方关系一度紧张。

    Tal Afar is home to a large population of ethnic Turkmens , whose relations with Iraq 's sunni Arabs , in both neighboring Kirkuk and Mosul , have been in recent years .

  14. 其结果是,石油部被普遍认为纵容了腐败和汽油走私,这些活动资助了逊尼派(Sunni)地区的叛乱分子以及巴士拉地区的民兵组织。

    The result was a ministry that was widely considered to tolerate corruption and petrol smuggling and which helped fund both insurgents in the Sunni regions and militias operating in Basra .

  15. 叙利亚内战夺去越来越多人的性命,并可能升级为更广泛的逊尼派-什叶派(Sunni-Shia)冲突。

    The civil war in Syria claims ever more lives and is spilling over into a wider Sunni-Shia confrontation .

  16. 在Isis继续向巴格达推进之际,数万名伊拉克志愿者和什叶派民兵开始从巴格达向北移动,因为政府寻求夺回被逊尼派叛军占据的城镇。

    The new advances by Isis came as tens of thousands of Iraqi volunteers and Shia militia started to move north from Baghdad as the government sought to wrest back towns over-run by Sunni insurgents .

  17. 逊尼派的塔利班(SunniTaliban)武装力量一直是伊朗什叶派政权的死对头,但有迹象显示,我敌人的敌人是我的朋友这一残酷的逻辑,可能会把他们拉拢在一起。

    The Sunni Taliban fighters have always been bitter rivals of Iran 's Shia regime , but there is evidence that they may have been thrust together by the remorseless logic of my enemy 's enemy is my friend .

  18. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。

    The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

  19. 导火索就是100多名拉菲·埃萨维(RafiIssawi)的工作人员遭到逮捕。拉菲·埃萨维是马利基政府内的逊尼派财政部长。

    The trigger was the arrest of more than 100 men in the entourage of Rafi Issawi , Mr Maliki 's Sunni minister of finance .

  20. 而此前,由总理控制的警察局也有过类似的行动:2011年迫使逊尼派副总统塔里克·哈希米(Tariqal-Hashemi)流往国外。

    A similar move by police units controlled by the prime minister forced Tariq al-Hashemi , a Sunni deputy prime minister , into exile in 2011 .

  21. 该国两位副总统之一,逊尼派的塔里克·哈希米(Tareqal-Hashemi)因被控与恐怖主义有染而正被缺席审判。

    One of the country 's two vice-presidents , Tareq al-Hashemi , a Sunni , is being tried in absentia for alleged links to terrorism .

  22. Muqtadaal-Sadr是位年轻的牧师,拥有很强的号召力,长期以来一直被视为是危险的煽动叛乱的人。如今他和其他一些什叶派政治家呼吁关心同情逊尼派的诉求。

    Some Shia politicians , including Muqtada al-Sadr , a young cleric with a strong following who was long branded a dangerous firebrand , have even voiced sympathy with Sunni demands .

  23. 叙利亚政府失去了其职位最高的逊尼派成员、总理希贾布(RiadHijab)。希贾布的发言人称其已转投反对派阵营。目前反抗总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的运动点燃了中东地区的宗派主义情绪。

    Syria 's government lost its highest-ranking Sunni member , Prime Minister Riad Hijab , in what his spokesman called a defection to the opposition as the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad inflames sectarian emotion in the Middle East .

  24. 这次袭击发生在阿达姆·海勒市(DarraAdamKhel),该地区位于巴基斯坦部落地区,塔利班领导的好战分子活动非常猖獗。数百名礼拜者在这个逊尼派清真寺聚集。这座清真寺在袭击中受到严重损坏。

    The bombing occurred in Darra Adam Khel , an area near Pakistan 's tribal regions where Taliban-led militants have been active.Hundreds of worshippers had gathered at the Sunni mosque , which was severely damaged in the attack .

  25. 伊亚德·阿拉维(IyadAllawi)是领导议会中主要逊尼派集团的一名世俗什叶派,并且是马利基的首要反对者,然而党内倒戈已经削弱了他的力量。

    Iyad Allawi , a secular Shia who heads the main Sunni bloc in parliament and is Mr Maliki 's chief opponent there , has been weakened by defections from his party .

  26. 如果叙利亚分裂,陷入教派战争;如果逊尼派(sunnis)报复阿拉维派教徒(alawites);如果一切的变化只是换了压迫者,而非压迫的本质,那么昔日的残暴工具将保留其吸引力。

    If Syria disintegrates into sectarian war ; if Sunnis take revenge on alawites ; if all that changes is the identity of the oppressor , not the nature of the oppression ; the savage tools of the past will retain their appeal .

  27. 为了将他们的预期损失减到最低,库尔德人决定确保所有的非逊尼派少数族群,例如基督徒、Yazidis和Shabaks,为库尔德人的候选名单投票。

    To minimise their expected losses , the Kurds are bent on ensuring that all the non-Sunni minorities , such as the Christians , Yazidis and Shabaks , vote for a Kurdish-led list of candidates .

  28. 尽管一月份在费卢杰(Falluja)--顽固无比的逊尼派城市,警方朝示威人群开火,造成五人死亡,但是安全部队在大多数情况下一直避免正面对抗示威者。

    Despite one incident in January when police opened fire on a mob in Falluja , an ever-restive Sunni city , killing five , security forces have for the most part avoided confronting protesters .

  29. 强硬路线逊尼派议员IyadSamaraie告诉Al-Baghdadia电视台,“自从美军入侵以后,库德人所作的一切,包括他们的宪法都应该被视为无效。”

    Hardline sunni MP Iyad Samaraie told Al-Baghdadia TV that " everything the Kurds have done , including their constitution , since the U.S. - led invasion ... should be considered null and void . "

  30. 伊拉克库尔德地区领袖巴尔扎尼阐明了高级职位的划分,领导经过扩大的第二大联盟的现任总理马利基(Nourial-Maliki)保持其职位,逊尼派支持的前总理阿拉维(AyadAlawi)担任议会领袖。

    Barzani , the regional president of Iraqi Kurdistan laid out how the top positions were divided , with current Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki , leading an expanded , second-place alliance , retaining his post , and the Sunni-backed bloc of former prime minister Ayad Alawi taking leadership of parliament .