
  • 网络bortala river
  1. 博尔塔拉河断裂及其大地构造意义

    Bortala River fractures and it 's Geotectonic Significance

  2. 博尔塔拉河是天山北麓唯一东西流向的河流,是目前艾比湖的主要补给来源。

    The Bortala River is the only one which flow from west to east in north piedmont of Tian Mountain , and the most important supply source of Ebinur Lake .

  3. 艾比湖北部各小河,只在夏季洪水期有少量洪水进入干涸的小湖区,形成小面积的水域,而且在短时间内蒸发散失。入湖的地表径流,绝大部分来自博尔塔拉河和精河。

    Ebinur every stream in the north , merely possess the a little flood water in the summer season to go into the sun dry little lake district , makes the little water area , and the water evaporates in briefly time to to be lost .