
  • 网络Spicy food
  1. 我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物。

    I don 't really care for spicy food .

  2. 他喜欢吃意大利食物,也喜欢吃四川和湖南的辛辣食物。

    He loves Italian cuisine and spicy food from Sichuan and Hunan .

  3. 与辛辣食物和海产食品搭配饮用更佳。

    And spicy food and seafood with a drink better .

  4. 你吃了太多的辛辣食物吗?

    Have you eaten too much spicy food ?

  5. 你最好不要吃辛辣食物。

    You 'd better not eat hot food .

  6. 吃辛辣食物前要三思;

    Think twice before eating spicy foods ;

  7. 是的,你应尽量避免碳酸饮料、酒和辛辣食物。

    Yse , you must also try to avoid carbonated beverages , alcohol and species .

  8. 这样反过来就会导致酸的反流,而辛辣食物会使情况更糟。

    This , in turn , leads to acid reflux that spicy foods make worse .

  9. 适当开胃酒和贝类,海鲜和辛辣食物搭配。

    SERVING SUGGESTIONS : Perfect as an aperitif or with shellfish , seafood and spicy foods .

  10. 我还以为是辛辣食物引起的,但它可以是任何东西了。

    I thought it was caused by spicy foods , but it can be anything now .

  11. 避免辛辣食物,多吃一些有助于增加精子数的蔬菜。

    Avoid spicy foods , and load up on the vegetables to raise your sperm count .

  12. 不要食用辛辣食物,酸性水果,糖类和脂肪含量高的肉类。

    Cut out spicy foods , acids ( like citrusy fruits ) , sugars , fatty meats .

  13. 研究表明,爱吃甜食的人比爱吃辛辣食物的人更讨人喜欢。

    Study subjects who expressed a preference for sweet over spicy tastes also tended to be more agreeable .

  14. 我每天都应该喝大量的水,我不应该吃太多的辛辣食物。

    I should drink a lot of water every day . I should not eat too much spicy food .

  15. 近100年来,医生认为压力,辛辣食物和酒精都会引起消化性溃疡。

    For almost 100 years , doctors believed that stress , spicy foods , and alcohol caused most ulcers .

  16. 此外,辛辣食物还会促进脑内啡的分泌,让你产生快感,忘掉炎热。

    It also can cause an endorphin rush that is quite pleasant and might make you forget about the heat .

  17. 然而,当你所有的家人和朋友都爱吃辛辣食物时,你也喜欢吃,这是否是天生呢?

    However , is it nature to love spicy food , when that 's all that your family and friends eat ?

  18. 男性、老年、饮酒、运动量少及嗜油腻、辛辣食物可能为湿热型脂肪肝的危险因素。

    The risk factors of dampness-heat are male , older age , drinking , exercise less and a greasy , spicy food .

  19. 今年37岁的赵路来自山东省,这并不是一个特别以辛辣食物闻名的地方。

    Mr. Zhao , 37 , is originally from northeastern Shandong province & not a place particularly known for its spicy food .

  20. 冗长的餐食是韩国商务午餐的规矩,一盘接一盘咝咝作响的辛辣食物很快地接连上了桌。

    Lengthy meals are the norm for Korean business lunches , with plate after plate of sizzling , spicy food coming in quick succession .

  21. 我们通常说辛辣食物是热的,一般是生理原因引起的:辛辣粉中所含有的化学物质作用人体的某个部位,这是神经细胞接受高温信号的地方。

    There 's a biological reason we say spicy food is hot : The chemical that gives peppers their punch targets the same nerve-cell receptors as high temperatures .

  22. 影片在美国新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基城拍摄&该地以其国际气球节闻名。另有令人称道的建筑博物馆和辛辣食物。

    Filming took place primarily in Albuquerque-famous for its International Balloon Fiesta-and Santa Fe , home to Pueblo architecture , several excellent museums , and notoriously spicy cuisine .

  23. 在泰国和印度有很多我喜欢的辛辣食物,在尼泊尔则有廉价的西式餐厅供旅客享用。

    In Thailand and India they have a lot of spicy food , which I like , and in Nepal they have lots of really cheap Western-style restaurants for travelers .

  24. 佛教徒更是倡导不进食辛辣食物,大葱和姜等(这些都被认为是荤食),因为这样有助于减少身体和精神上的欲望。

    Buddhists also advocate diet of no spicy , no green onion , or ginger , which they assume will help to decrease the desires of a body or a mind .

  25. 除了摄入过多特定种类的食物外(奶制品和辛辣食物),尼尔森和鲍威尔还发现,深夜进食也是导致梦境混乱的原因之一。

    Alongside eating too much of certain kinds of foods ( dairy products and spicy meals ) , Nielsen and Powell found that eating late at night was also to blame for the confusing dreams .

  26. 据路透社1月21日报道,由日本关西电视台在大阪制作播放的电视节目中称,连续两周在早餐和午餐食用豆豉这种辛辣食物可以帮助人们减肥。

    The show , made by Kansai Telecasting Corp ( KTV ) in the western city of Osaka , claimed people could lose weight by eating the pungent food for breakfast and dinner daily for two weeks .

  27. 事实上许多我们自认为吃起来非常爽的食物和饮料对于身体的承受力来说非常艰难,比如辛辣食物,油腻肉食,或者过甜过咸的食物。

    Actually a lot of the food items and drinks we think are satisfying are hard on our bodies . That includes spicy food , heavy meat dishes , and food that is very salty or sweet .

  28. 白羊座讨厌味道寡淡的东西,喜欢辛辣食物,习惯加入罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉等各种调味品。

    Aries likes variety -- so serve a bunch of appetizers . Fire Signs want their food to be hot and spicy . The Ram hates bland things and likes to spice up their meals with basil , cinnamon and curry .

  29. 狮子座喜欢辛辣食物,不喜欢大蒜,喜欢丁香、肉豆蔻和欧芹口味;另外,一定要记住,狮子座喜欢什么都要最好的。

    They want spicy food from warm places , like the Mediterranean or the Caribbean . Garlic is not a flavor for the Lion , but they adore cloves , nutmeg and parsley . Remember that Leo wants the absolute best of everything .

  30. 射手座的热烈、火暴决定了他们喜欢辛辣食物,而且是放了丁香、咖喱粉和大蒜的。

    Sagittarius is always in the mood for something new and adventurous . Their fiery nature leads them to hot and spicy food with bold flavors featuring cloves , curry and garlic . They are also fond of fig trees and the color blue .