
  • 网络Xin Qiji;get rid of diseases
辛弃疾 [xīn qì jí]
  • [Xin Qiji] (1140-1207) 南宋著名词人,号稼轩,少年参加抗金义军,后率军归宋,先后任大理寺少卿及湖南、江西、福建、湖北、浙东安抚使等职,后去职闲居江西上饶一带,善作词,抒发其渴望复国统一的壮志,抨击南宋上层统治集团的投降妥协行经,著有《稼轩长短句》

  1. 宋朝诗人辛弃疾曾写过这样一句词:众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。

    A line from Xin Qiji , a poet during the Song Dynasty , shows this : Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd.Suddenly I turned , and there she stood , in the dim light .

  2. 几千年来,元宵佳节上演了许多爱情故事。南宋词人辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》中就有一句描写元宵节浪漫邂逅的名句:

    For thousands of years , there have been numerous love stories originating during the Lantern Festival .

  3. 辛弃疾非酒神精神的诗酒人生范式

    XIN Qi-ji : A Model of Alcohol-Poem Life without Dionysiac Spirit

  4. 20世纪辛弃疾词研究论辩

    The arguments on Xin qi-ji 's CI in the 20th century

  5. 苦恼的笑&谈辛弃疾的谐谑词风

    A Bitter Smile : On Xin Qiji 's style of Banter Ci

  6. 辛弃疾爱情词的比兴与寄托

    The metaphor and entrusting in love poems of Xin Qiji

  7. 李清照、辛弃疾阅读思想之比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Reading Thoughts between Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji

  8. 辛弃疾与诗人陆游是好朋友。

    Xin Qiji and Lu You , another famous poet , were good friends .

  9. 七分剑气三分月&辛弃疾词侠文化范式浅探土三七致肝小静脉闭塞病2例及文献复习

    Hepatic Veno-occlusive Disease Induced by Gynura Segetum : Two Cases Report and Literature Review

  10. 辛弃疾词体创作的题材类型多达30类,为两宋词体创作题材类型最多的作家。

    The subject matter of Xin Qi-ji 's ci poems falls into 30 types .

  11. 本文结论认为:辛弃疾乃乱离时代的风云人物,主客体的矛盾冲突,使他产生多元化思想与情感。

    The conflict between the subject and object make him engender various ideas and emotions .

  12. 澳大利亚的田园诗辛弃疾田园词与陶渊明田园诗之比较

    Australian Pastoral Contrast between Xin Qiji 's Ci Poem and Tao Yuanming 's Pastoral Poetry

  13. 而辛弃疾的创作反映的是男性的创作心理和情感诉求。

    And the creation of the xin qiji reflects the psychological and emotional male creation appeal .

  14. 辛弃疾是我国著名词作家,他的旅游词有极高的文学、文化价值。

    Xin Qiji was a major tourism literature writer as well as a tourism culture builder .

  15. 试析辛弃疾《汉宫春·立春日》的美学特质

    On Esthetics Traits of Ci Spring in Han Palace the Beginning Day of Spring by Xin Qiji

  16. 本文以〈鹧鸪天〉一调之声情为探索的对象,而主要的依据为辛弃疾词。

    This paper studies Partridge Sky written by Sin Ci-Ji to explore the melody of this musical theme .

  17. 陆游辛弃疾在宋代武夷作家群的地位与影响

    Status and Influence of Lu You and Xin Qiji among Wu Yi Writer Group in The Song Dynasty

  18. 本文论述了辛弃疾词采用多种艺术手法塑造自我形象的巨大成就。

    The achievement of the portrayal of self & image by many artistic means is discussed in the paper .

  19. 屈原、辛弃疾作品心理特征的对比分析预应力混凝土斜腿刚构桥屈曲特性分析

    Psychological Analysis of Quyuan and XIN Qi-ji s Works ; Feature Analysis of Buckling Property of Slant-legged Rigid-frame Bridge

  20. 这三大热点也代表了学界对辛弃疾的最新研究趋向。

    All these three hot topics also stand for the new trend of XIN Qi-ji Research in academic circles .

  21. 世事庄周蝴蝶梦春愁臣甫杜鹃诗&论辛弃疾的人生悲剧

    Affairs of Human Life Are Like a Dream , Just Singing Sorrowful Poetry & On Xin Qiji 's Life Tragedy

  22. 但由于主、客观条件限制,他的理想抱负均未能实现,从而导致辛弃疾的英雄悲情。

    But his dreams didn 't come true as a result of the limitation of both the subjective and objective conditions .

  23. 在所有使他受益的前人中,杜甫是一个对辛弃疾产生了重大影响,但是又少有人提及的人。

    Among all the enlightening predecessors , Du Fu was a rarely mentioned resource that exerted great influence on Xin Qiji .

  24. 贺铸和辛弃疾少年时的行侠经历,以及所具有的侠义人格,是他们创作侠士词的直接动因。

    The experience of being knight-errant in their youth and the chivalrous personality was their directly motivation to create Knight-errant Ci .

  25. 辛弃疾研究的新趋向&2003年辛弃疾国际学术研讨会三大热点述评

    New Trend of XIN Qi-ji Research & A Comment on the Three Hot Topics in the 2003 International XIN Qi-ji Academic Symposium

  26. 这是南宋爱国词人辛弃疾赞美上饶的诗句,读来令人陶醉。

    This is the poem of praising Shangrao written by the South Song Dynasty patriotic poet Xin Qiji , is intoxicated in reading it .

  27. 气魄极雄大意境极沉郁&浅论辛弃疾豪放词的双重审美追求

    Great Boldness and Vision Mixed With Extreme Depression & Briefly on Xin Qiji 's dual aesthetic pursuit in his ci of powerful and free style

  28. 历来研治辛词者,对辛弃疾南归后词的创作的发展变化,较少注意。

    People pay no much attention to the developmental change of the ci-poetic creation of Xin Qiji in the early period of his return southward .

  29. 辛弃疾为人刚烈,执念唯一,处事果断,这种鲜明的人格特征,在他的词作中若隐若现。稼轩之词是其理想追求与现实困境之间矛盾冲突的产物。

    Xin Qiji 's personality traits appear indistinctly in his poems which are the products of the contradiction between his pursuit and the real difficult position .

  30. 辛派词人之形成,与辛弃疾巨大的人格魅力与歌词艺术魅力密切相关。

    The formation of the Xin Qiji Ci poem parties was closely related with the art magic power of his lyricses and huge personality magic power .