
  1. 宋代六言绝句的绘画美和建筑美

    On the Picturesque Beauty and Architectural Beauty of the Six-Character Poem of the Song Dynasty

  2. 从语言形式上来看,以四言韵语为主,兼有少量六言或七言。

    As to the form , the inscriptions primarily are rhymed with four words and occasionally with six or seven words .

  3. 与五七言绝句相比,六言绝句更适合共时性的并列呈现、静态描绘,宜于传达粗略的总体印象,刻划客观的画面。

    In contrast with the five-character or seven-character poems , the six-character poem is better suited to the presentation of static objects in parallelism and general impression .

  4. 本文结合嵇康的其它诗文及相关材料对其六言十首进行了梳理,认为以贤人君子理想为核心,这十首六言诗构成了一个有机的整体;

    Combining with other works including that of Chi Kang 's , this essay analyzes his six-word poems and argues that an organic whole which is composed of the ten poems centers upon sage ideals of the poet .

  5. 下层文人以常地召见之物之事,编辑成二言、三言、四言、五言、六言、七言等,多是有韵之文的形式。

    Lower literati local learning to see the thing things , editing into two words , three words , four words , Wu Yan , six words , Seven , and more is in the form of a rhyme of the text .

  6. 理由六是,换言之,“国家”同时也是一台机器。

    Reason six is , in other words ," country " is also a machine .

  7. 语用意义可分为六类,即言外之力、隐含意义、修辞意义、所指意义、情感内涵及言外效果。

    The subcategories of pragmatic meaning are : illocutionary force , implicate meaning , figurative meaning , reference , emotional tone , and perlocutionary effect .