
  • 网络ring rolling
  1. 精密冷辗环机机架预紧研究

    Study on pre-tightening of housing of precision cold ring rolling mill

  2. 无内胎钢制车轮辗环成形新工艺及其数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of new ring rolling process of tubeless steel wheel

  3. 并在KRD160精密辗环机上进行轧制试验,验证了毛坯和模具的形状合理。

    The cold ring rolling experience is made in KRD160 , the result indicate that ring blank and mould are reasonable .

  4. 径轴向辗环机优化轧制规程的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design of Optimal Rolling Procedure for Radial-Axial Ring Rolling

  5. 冷辗环件数值模拟中圆度的计算方法

    A Numerical Simulation Method for Calculating the Roundness of Cold Rolling Ring

  6. 辗环过程动力有限元分析中的抱辊约束

    The restraining from guide rollers in dynamic explicit FEM of ring rolling

  7. 径向辗环扭矩与电机功率的计算

    Study of Calculating Torque and Power of Motor Needed during Radial Ring Rolling

  8. 冷辗环机液压系统设计与控制

    Design of Hydraulic System for Cold Ring Rolling Machine

  9. 径向辗环过程尺寸控制的新方法

    A new method to control ring-rolling deformation

  10. 数控精密冷辗环机伺服进给系统的刚度分析

    Analysis on Rigidity of Servo Feed System of Numerical Control Precision Cold Rolling Ring Machine

  11. 辗环机进给系统模型的建立

    The Model for Ring Rolling Feed System

  12. 辗环机数字控制系统

    Control System of Ring Rolling Machine

  13. 径向辗环进给速度规范的理论与应用研究

    The theory of the norm for the feeding speed of the rolling ring and its application

  14. 给出了闭式孔型辗环的模具设计、工装尺寸及力能参数计算公式;

    Die design ways , formulae of calculating tools equipments dimensions and force and energy were introduced .

  15. 在集中质量模型的基础上,运用传递矩阵法对辗环机的主轴进行数学建模。

    Based on the model of concentrated parameters , mathematical model for the spindle of a bearing rolling machine is set up with transfer-matrix method .

  16. 介绍了某辗环机数字控制系统的研制,提出了采用定值反馈闭环控制方法跟踪目标值曲线。

    The research of a practical DDC system is presented . It 's achieved to trace the target curve by feedback loop system with fixed feedback value .

  17. 盆齿毛坯辗环成形飞边的消除工艺与实验研究(植物学)叶形边缘的;边部被剪切的、具流苏状的或具圆齿状的。

    Technology and experiment research of clearing up flange of rough basin gear in rolling ring ( botany ) of the margin of a leaf shape ; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped .

  18. 通过对单、双件辗环成形材料利用率对比分析,得出双件辗环成形工艺与单件辗环成形工艺相比材料利用率有所提高,且生产效率提高、成本降低。

    Through the comparative analysis of the blank utilization of single ring rolling process and double ring rolling , the blank utilization of double ring rolling is increased , which lead to productivity improvement and cost reduction .

  19. 分析了辗环过程及其变形,建立了径向环件和单阶梯孔件辗环变形过程的数学模型,提出了辗环尺寸控制的新方法,生产应用证明该方法是可行的。

    Abstract In the paper , the course and deformation of ring rolling is analysed and the mathematical model of course of ring rolling is established . It is proved that the new method of controlling ring rolling deformation is feasible .

  20. 采用铸造制坯、辗环成形新工艺替代用扁钢闪光对焊生产飞轮齿环的老工艺,不仅节省了投资,而且提高了产品质量。

    Abstract Producing the flywheel gear ring with a flat steel by an old flash butt welding process is replaced by a casting blank and rolling to form the gear ring process , not only the investment is saved but also the product quality is improved .

  21. 然而,目前辗环机工作参数的设计缺乏精确的理论指导,基于假设建立的轧制力能关系和运动关系与设备实际运行情况出入较大,对于材料特性与环件尺寸的变化更是难以适从。

    However , being lake of accurate theoretical criterions for cold ring rolling mill design , the hypothesis-based energetic parameters and kinematic parameters have deviation to the actual operation performance , the adaptability to the changes of material characteristics and ring dimension are also need to be improved .

  22. 环件冷辗扩是环件在不需加热的条件下进行的特种成形工艺,它通过连续局部塑性回转变形扩大环件直径并成形环件。

    Cold ring rolling is a special plastic forming technology carried out in room temperature . The process expands the ring diameter accompanying profile forming by continuous local rotary forming .

  23. 径向辗扩机辗环过程控制的研究

    Study on controlling ring rolling process and dimension

  24. 冷辗扩生产的环件实现了少、无切削加工,保存了金属内部的流线组织,提高了环件的机械性能。

    The cold ring rolling realized net produce ring , which keep the metal streamline in the ring body and increase the ring force capability .

  25. 冷辗工艺广泛应用于环件的加工,在冷辗环数值模拟与优化过程中,圆度是重要的目标设计变量。

    Cold rolling technology is applied to ring parts extensively . In the process of numerical simulation and optimization of cold rolling , roundness is a key object variable of the design .

  26. 本文介绍了环件冷辗扩原理、优点以及存在的问题及发展方向;分析了数控冷辗环机的结构与工作原理,并建立了辗环系统的运动学和动力学的数学模型;

    The ring rolling principle , advantages , the existing problems and the future development were introduced in the thesis , also the mechanical structure and operation principles of cold ring rolling mill were analyzed , and the kinematical & dynamic mathematical model were established ;

  27. 介绍了高颈法兰精密辗扩自动控制管理软件的开发背景、软件结构与流程、软件主要功能。该软件适用于数控辗环机,可实现辗扩工艺参数优化与辗扩过程的自动化控制。

    This paper describes the background , software structure , flow chart and main functions of the control & management software for precision rolling of welding neck flange , which can realize the optimization of process design and automatic control in rolling production .
