
fū jié
  • digitus;dactylus;tarsus
跗节[fū jié]
  1. 由于静脉扩张而导致的跗节内肿。

    Spavin caused by distension of the veins .

  2. 胫节昆虫腿部的第四节,位于胫节和跗节之间。

    The fourth division of an insect 's leg , between the femur and the tarsi .

  3. 蚤类足跗节细微结构的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscopy of flea tarsi

  4. 中国异跗节类昆虫的科级阶元与部分种类的口器表征(鞘翅目:多食亚目)

    Study on the Family Category of Heteromera and Mouthpart Structure of Some Species from China ( Coleoptera : Polyphaga );

  5. 革螨足Ⅰ跗节的化感器&截肢前后的驱避试验和扫描电镜观察

    The chemoreceptor organs on the first tarsi of the gamasid mites ( parasitiformes ) - amputation test and morphological observation with scanning electron microscopy

  6. 雌、雄虫的主要区别是:雄性前足第1~3跗节较雌性宽大;雌性个体一般比雄性大。

    The distinction between males and females were : the tarsi of the forefoot of males was wider than females , females were bigger than males generally .

  7. 多数种类第5跗节跖面上具有许多感觉毛,其数量和分布在不同种甚至两性之间均有差异,拟可用于分类鉴定。

    The sensory hairs located on the plantar surface are different in number and distribution in the species of flea examined and difference even exists between the sexes of the same species .