
zhì pǔ fǎ
  • Mass spectrometry;mass-spectrography;mass-spectrometric method
  1. 色谱与色谱/质谱法相结合分析热裂解汽油C9馏分

    Analysis of C_9 Fraction of Pyrolysis Gasoline by Gas Chromato-graphy and Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  2. 一种直接测定硝化反硝化气体的~(15)N示踪质谱法

    A method for direct measurement of ~ ( 15 ) ngases from nitrification-denitrification with mass spectrometer

  3. 激光电离飞行时间质谱法研究Al原子与卤代甲烷气相化学反应

    Laser Photoionization TOF-MS Studies on Chemical Reactions of Laser Ablated Al Atom with Halomethanes

  4. 同位素稀释质谱法对年青玄武岩K-Ar年龄的测定

    Determination of K-Ar Ages on Some Young Basalts by IDMS

  5. 用单路三束质谱法测定生物样品的~(15)N丰度

    Determination of ~ ( 15 ) n abundance in biotic samples by mass spectrometer with single way and three beams

  6. 建立了采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC/MS)确定X胶囊中内容物组成的方法。

    The gas chromatography mass spectrometric technology was applied to analyze the content composition of a healthful X capsule .

  7. 负热电离质谱法测量Os同位素组成的质量分馏校正

    Mass Fractionation Correction of Osmium Isotopic Compositions in Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric Measurement

  8. 质谱法测定地下水中He/Ar、N2/Ar比值及其在地震监测中的应用

    A Mass Spectral Method for He / Ar , N_2 / Ar Ratio Measurement of Groundwater and Its Application to Monitor Earthquake

  9. 一种用~(233)U作单内标的同位素稀释质谱法

    The Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry With ~ ( 233 ) U as a single Internal Standard

  10. 方法:用气相色谱质谱法、X射线衍射法、薄层层析法对包合前后的挥发油进行研究。

    Method : GC-MS , X-ray diffraction and thin-layer chromatography were applied to characterize the essential oil and the inclusion compound .

  11. Y(OH)3共沉淀分离电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定锌精矿中10种杂质元素

    Determination of ten impurity elements in zinc concentrate by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after separation with Y ( OH ) _3 coprecipitation

  12. NP型螯合树脂珠在质谱法铀同位素分析中的应用

    Isotopic measurement of uranium using NP-TYPE chelate resin beads

  13. 高精度正热电离质谱法测定Br同位素

    The High Precision Isotopic Measurement of Bromine by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  14. P(507)萃淋树脂分离-火花源质谱法测定高纯Er2O3中痕量稀土杂质

    P_ ( 507 ) Extraction Chromatographic Separation-Spark Source Mass Spectrometric Determination of 14 Rare Earth Impurities in High Purity Erbium Oxide

  15. 目前确诊甲基丙二酸血症有效方法是气相色谱/质谱法(GasChromatography/massSpectrometry,GC/MS)尿有机酸分析。

    Definitive diagnosis of methylmalonic acidemia relies on analysis of organic acids in urine by gas-liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .

  16. 文中研究了用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)对麝香样品进行测定,检出苯甲酸和液体石蜡两种新的掺伪物。

    Two species of new adulterants , benzoic acid and paraffin oil , have been detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry .

  17. FAB质谱法研究肽的氨基酸序列

    The Study on the Sequence of Amino Acids in Oligopeptides by FAB-MS

  18. 用质谱法测定堆元件燃耗监测核素~(148)Nd的丰度和含量

    The measurement of abundance and content of ~ ( 148 ) nd monitor for the determination of burnup with mass spectrometry

  19. 狭叶紫萁O.紫玉兰叶油化学成分的气相色谱/质谱法分析

    Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Essential Oil in Purple Magnolia Leaves by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  20. 建立气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS),测定海狗油中不饱和脂肪酸。

    To establish a GC / MS method for the determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids in seal oil .

  21. 应用气相色谱-质谱法研究了伶仃洋水和沉积物中烷基酚(AP)的污染状况。

    The alkylphenol ( AP ) in the surface water and sediments from Lingding Bay is determined by means of GC-MS method .

  22. 本文报道了用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定高纯氧化镧中12个痕量稀土杂质的方法。

    A method for the determination of 12 rare earth impurities in high purity lanthanum oxide by ICP-MS ( inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry ) .

  23. 利用微波消化-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定甜菜颗粒粕中砷含量。

    A method for determination of Arsenic in beet grain pulp by ICP-MS is reported .

  24. 甘露醇对石墨存在下Cs2BO2~+离子热电离质谱法测定硼同位素的影响

    Effect of Mannitol on Isotopic Measurement of Boron by Thermal - ionization Mass Spectrometry Based on Cs_2BO_2 ~ + Ion with Graphite Loading

  25. ESI质谱法研究7-二异丙基葛根素磷酸酯与溶菌酶的弱相互作用

    Study the Interaction Diisopropyl Puerarin-7-yl Phosphate with the Lysozyme by ESI MS

  26. 本文报道了电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定原油标准物质中V、Co、Ni、Pb的分析方法。

    This paper reports a method for the determination of V , Co , Ni , Pb in crude oil standard reference material by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry .

  27. 本文用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)测定尿中GHB。

    A method for the determination of GHB in urine by GC-MS is described .

  28. 建立了王水分解地球化学样品后直接用等离子体质谱法测定Au、Pd和Pt的分析方法。

    A method for direct determination of gold , platinum , palladium in geochemical samples by ICP MS after sample decomposition with aqua regia was developed .

  29. 采用微波消解法处理样品,运用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)和质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了大米中微量元素。

    Trace elements in rice digested by microwave are detected by inductive coupled plasma atom emission spectrum and mass spectrum .

  30. 对DNA序列分析方法,包括:毛细管电泳、阵列毛细管电泳、芯片毛细管电泳、超薄层毛细管电泳、质谱法、原子探针法、杂交法、流动式单分子荧光检测法,作了详细评述。

    The analytical methods such as capillary electrophoresis , multiplexed array capillaries electrophoresis , integrated capillary electrophoresis chip , mass spectrometry , atom force microscopy , sequencing by hybridization and single molecular detection were commented .