
  • 网络Bertrand;Marianne Bertrand;Xavier Bertrand
  1. 关于贝特朗悖论的新思考

    A New Idea about the Bertrand Paradox Theory

  2. 关于贝特朗奇论的讨论关于贝特朗悖论的新思考

    A Discussion about Bertrand 's Paradox A New Idea about the Bertrand Paradox Theory

  3. 欧拉公式和贝特朗公式的特定推广

    Particular Extension of Euler Formula and Bertrand Formula

  4. 洛仑兹几何中的贝特朗曲线

    Bertrand curves in the lorentzian geometry

  5. 根据贝特朗曲面的特性,利用标架方法计算凸凹齿面在啮合点处的主曲率。

    According to the property of Bertrand , the main curvature on the mesh point is calculated by using the frame .

  6. 贝特朗认识到,如果两家竞争对手以透明的价格提供同样的商品,所有消费者都会竞相购买售价较低的商品。

    Bertrand realised that with two competitors offering identical goods with transparent prices , all customers would flock to the cheaper offering .

  7. 1990年,让•贝特朗•阿里斯蒂德成为海地第一位民选总统,但是他在一年之后遭到罢免。

    And then after more instability and unrest , former Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide won Haiti 's first free election in1990.But his presidency didn 't last long .

  8. 究竟为什么我也不十分清楚,我只是在执行莱克勒船长最后的一个命令而已。他在临终的时候,要我送一包东西给贝特朗元帅。

    I do not know , sir ; it was to fulfil the last instructions of Captain Leclere , who , when dying , gave me a packet for Marshal Bertrand .

  9. 本课题属国家自然科学基金的资助项目基于贝特朗曲面的传动原理与新型传动的研究(编号50275017)的子课题。

    This work is one branch of the project named The Theory and New Type Transmission Pair Based on Bertrand Surface ( No. 50275017 ), which is supported by National Science Foundation of China .

  10. 论文将委托一代理模型和贝特朗模型结合,解决了最优激励合同下企业技术创新投入量的计算方法的问题,并区分了企业技术创新的基本投入和基准投入的概念。

    This paper marks off two concepts of basic investment and benchmark investment on the enterprise technological innovation . Then , with Principal-agent model and Cournot model , this paper finds a way to calculate the amount of investment on the enterprise technological innovation in optimal incentive contracts .