
  • 网络beverly hill;beverley hills
  1. 贝弗利山旅馆美国加州贝弗利山

    Beverly Hills Hotel Beverly Hills , California

  2. 38岁的他正在贝弗利山开创自己的沙龙品牌,他的父亲&著名理发师保罗•米切尔于20年前死于癌症。

    The 38-year-old is opening his own salon brand in Beverly Hills , two decades after his father , the famous hairdresser Paul Mitchell , died of cancer .

  3. 对蛋糕的想念促使这家公司于2012年在贝弗利山安装了第一台纸杯蛋糕ATM机。

    That craving inspired the company 's first cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills , Calif. in 2012 .

  4. 周一,在加州贝弗利山的高档购物区RodeoDrive,MichaelKors精品店的一位店员告诉我说,人人都有一种负罪感。

    On Rodeo Drive 's exclusive shopping district on Monday , a sales clerk at the Michael Kors boutique told me , 'There 's an umbrella of guilt over everyone . '

  5. 在美国东海岸,格林尼治森严的豪宅为那些有意避开公众视野的对冲基金亿万富豪提供的私密程度,近乎于贝弗利山(beverleyhills)。

    And the gated mansions of Greenwich provide the closest thing to the privacy of Beverley Hills available on the east coast for the hedge fund billionaire who eschews publicity .

  6. 当天早些时候,冯芙丝汀宝和巴里·迪勒(BarryDiller)在贝弗利山宅邸举办了年度奥斯卡前奏野餐会,出席者达400多人。

    Earlier that day , Ms. von Furstenberg and Barry Diller held their annual pre-Oscars picnic for a crowd of a little more than 400 at their estate in Beverly Hills .

  7. 不过,这次午宴有个独特之处:蒂尔伯里是英国人,在贝弗利山A.O.C.餐馆的这个庭院里到处都能听到英国口音。

    But there was something distinct about this lunch : Ms. Tilbury is a Briton , and there were a whole lot of British accents in this courtyard at the restaurant A.O.C. in Beverly Hills .

  8. 加利福尼亚贝弗利山杰出艺术家团体大楼,美国

    Creative Artists Ageney , Beverly Hills , California , U.S.A

  9. 我自己在贝弗利山的豪华宅第也会很好。

    My own mansion in Beverly Hills would be fine , too .

  10. 你怎么知道我是从贝弗利山来?

    Tracy : How do you know I 'm from Beverly Hills ?

  11. 试想一下旧金山没有了贝弗利山,巴黎没有了咖啡馆。

    Think of San Francisco without the hills , Paris without the cafs .

  12. 马修·佩里在他职业生涯的早期曾出演过《贝弗利山:90210》。

    Matthew Perry appeared in Beverly Hills : 90210 earlier in his career .

  13. 贝弗利山上著名的好莱坞标志正面临被拆掉的危险。

    The iconic Hollywood sign in Beverley Hills is at the risk of being demolished .

  14. 你能为我们把贝弗利山发生的一切放到大屏幕上吗?

    Can you put what 's going on in Beverly Hills into the bigger picture for us ?

  15. 费雪全名凯丽•弗朗西丝•费雪,1956年10月21日出生于加州贝弗利山。

    Carrie Frances Fisher was born on Oct. 21 , 1956 , in Beverly Hills , California .

  16. 电影是以从洛杉矶市中心到加利福尼亚贝弗利山的大道而命名的。

    It was named after the boulevard that runs through Los Angeles and Beverly Hills , California .

  17. 1987年1月9日,在加利福尼亚州贝弗利山举行的美国电影颁奖晚会上。

    Michael Jackson appears at the American Cinema Award gala onJan . 9,1987 , in Beverly Hills , Calif.

  18. 到贝弗利山的好房子我找到了“头等”从我城市的戒毒中心

    To the nice homes of Beverly Hills i 've found first class in drug treatment centers in my city .

  19. 而包括马里布和贝弗利山在内的富裕地区,每1000名糖尿病患者中不超过1.5人会进行截肢。

    In wealthier areas , including Malibu and Beverly Hills , no more than 1.5 diabetics per 1000 lost a limb to the disease .

  20. 经济衰退甚至开始触及富裕社区,贝弗利山和凤凰城郊区天堂山谷的选民最近都批准了大型再规划项目。

    With the recession biting even in wealthy communities , voters in Beverly Hills and the Phoenix suburb of Paradise Valley recently approved major rezoning projects .

  21. 波林弗里德曼于1939年嫁给莫顿菲利普斯,现住洛杉机的贝弗利山,在那里做妻子、母亲和祖母。

    Pauline Friedman married husband Morton Phillips in1939 and lives in Beverly hills , Los angeles , where she is a wife , mother and grandmother .

  22. 贝弗利山酒店员工恳求市议会会议成员否决一项决议,谴责这个国家的法律。

    Beverly Hills Hotel employees packing a City Council meeting pleading members to not pass a resolution condemning the laws of a country half a world away .

  23. 嗨!简,我们本周将有一些零售业的数字出来,你能为我们把贝弗利山发生的一切放到大屏幕上吗?

    Hey jane , we have some retail figures out this week , can you put what 's going on in Beverly Hills into the bigger picture for us ?

  24. 加利福尼亚州贝弗利山——长期以来,好莱坞都是依靠消费者调查来解答一个关于即将上映影片的问题:市场宣传要做到什么程度,才可以让一部影片成为观众的必看片?

    BEVERLY HILLS , Calif. - Hollywood has long relied on consumer surveys to answer a question about soon-to-arrive movies : To what degree have marketing materials made a film a must-see ?

  25. 加利福尼亚州贝弗利山&长期以来,好莱坞都是依靠消费者调查来解答一个关于即将上映影片的问题:市场宣传要做到什么程度,才可以让一部影片成为观众的必看片?

    BEVERLY HILLS , Calif. & Hollywood has long relied on consumer surveys to answer a question about soon-to-arrive movies : To what degree have marketing materials made a film a must-see ?

  26. 周三,他出席在加州贝弗利山举行的电视评论家协会夏季活动时,巧妙避开了对这部备受期待的热门美剧第八季的更多透露。

    Speaking at the Television Critics Association summer event on Wednesday in Beverly Hills , California , he adeptly avoided confirming any more about the highly-anticipated eighth season of the hit fantasy show .

  27. 但我见过有人坐在我们放在贝弗利山的那台原型机旁边,连着下了12单,买了12个蛋糕,因为他们想翻来覆去地看那台机器的机械手臂和它播放的视频。

    But I 've watched customers on our original machine in Beverly Hills sit there and buy 12 cupcakes with 12 different transactions in a row because they wanted to see the robotic arm and the video play to go get it again and again .