
jiǎo lóu
  • turret;corner tower
角楼 [jiǎo lóu]
  • (1) [turret]∶在较大建筑物转角上的装饰性建筑物

  • (2) [watchtower at a corner of a city wall]∶城墙角上的远望楼

  1. 东便门角楼夜景照明设计;

    The landscape lighting design of the turret of DongBianMen ;

  2. 古朴的吊角楼斜倚在绿色的山坡上。

    The ancient Diaojiao Lou is reclining on green slopes .

  3. 带有纤巧角楼的古堡。

    The castle with its fragile turrets .

  4. 在角楼上竖起防护装置;

    Mount a guard on the turrets .

  5. 当角楼打开的时候,扔出手榴弹,一定要注意躲避射向你的子弹。

    Drop a grenade when a turret opens , but beware of bullets being fired at you .

  6. 紫禁城有4个富丽堂皇的大门,在城四角矗立着风格绮丽的角楼。

    The ForBidden City has four imposing gates and at each comer is an exquisitely designed watch tower .

  7. 梦幻般的角楼和巴罗克风格的山形墙让城堡那异想天开的浪漫魅力呼之欲出。

    The romantic and whimsical appeal is all but apparent in the fantasy exterior of turrets and gabled baroques .

  8. 金匠和商人修筑城的角楼和羊门之间的那一段。

    And between the going up of the corner unto the sheep gate repaired the goldsmiths and the merchants .

  9. 在黑暗的地平线上,在湖对面高高的悬崖顶端,耸立着霍格沃茨城堡的角楼和高塔的剪影。

    Silhouetted on the dark horizon , high on the cliff over the lake , stood the many turrets and towers ofHogwarts castle .

  10. 支起破城机撞击你的城墙,用铁器击毁你的角楼。

    And he shall set engines of war and battering rams against thy walls , and shall destroy thy towers with his arms .

  11. 船沿江而下,几处吊角楼楼上已经打开了窗子,隐约可见里面的姑娘在梳妆。

    The boat along the river , several Diaojiao Lou has opened the upstairs window , you can inside the girl in the dressing .

  12. 大楼楼顶有一面红旗。二楼上面修建了不合格局的塔楼、角楼和阁楼。

    At the top of the building there is a red flag . Above the first floor was an irrational collection of towers , turrets and attics .

  13. 又在耶路撒冷使巧匠做机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。乌西雅的名声传到远方;

    In Jerusalem he made engines , invented by skillful men , to be on the towers and the corners , to shoot arrows and great stones .

  14. 一个建有许多角楼和高塔的巨大的城堡坐落在两座峻岭之间,窗户的玻璃在满天的星空下耀耀生辉。

    Perched atop a high mountain on the other side , its windows sparkling in the starry sky , was a vast castle with many turrets and towers .

  15. 它的体积巨大,高墙深院,四角都有炮角楼,远看像一座正方形的城池。

    It is very large with high walls and deep courtyard , there are cupolas at four corners , and it looks like a square city from a distance .

  16. 他们要破坏提洛的城墙,荡平角楼,而我要扫除其中的尘土,使她成为光滑的磐石。

    And they shall break down the walls of Tyre , and destroy the towers thereof : and I will scrape her dust from her , and make her like a smooth rock .

  17. 其次是银匠玛基雅修造到尼提宁,和商人的房屋,对着哈米弗甲门,直到城的角楼。

    After him repaired Malchiah the goldsmith 's son unto the place of the Nethinims , and of the merchants , over against the gate Miphkad , and to the going up of the corner .

  18. 还有一个荒凉的后院,楼梯上有着十五世纪常建的、如今在布尔多内街还可看到的那种半透明的角楼。

    A deserted back courtyard , with one of those diaphanous staircase turrets , such as were erected in the fifteenth century , one of which is still to be seen in the Rue des bourdonnais .

  19. 清晨薄雾尚未散尽,主妇们已开始在江边洗衣服,不时还可望见吊角楼里升起的袅袅炊烟。

    In the early morning mist had not yet cleared , housewives have started to do the laundry in the river , from time to time Diaojiao Lou can be seen in the rising wave of smoke .

  20. 白雪充塞了所有的事物,使万物平等,把它们深深地裹在自然的怀抱里;就像漫漫夏季里的植被,爬上庙宇的柱顶,爬上堡垒的角楼,覆盖人类的艺术品。

    The snow levels all things , and infolds them deeper in the bosom of nature , as , in the slow summer , vegetation creeps up to the entablature of the temple , and the turrets of the castle , and helps her to prevail over art .