- Chlorosis;chlorisis

It has a broad range of hosts and mainly causes host symptoms such as mosaic , dwarf , green islands , chlorisis , yellowing , etc. So it can disturb the normal growth and development of plants .
The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan , becoming brown and finally drying to a " scorch . "
Cd gradually caused the leaves chlorosis and damaged the chlorophyll ;
A Study on the One-step RT-PCR for Detection of Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus
Study on the techniques of ELISA in the detection of different strains of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus
Among the different parts of lesion , the activities of CWDEs in the fading part were the highest with 13.417U / mg ;
Effects of CLSV on the changes in peroxidase activity and in the isozymograms of Malus species
Using pear leave and cortexes which contain apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and Chenopodium quinoa as materials , methods of extract total RNA , RT-PCR , clone and enzyme digest , sequence of special fragments were used and compared in these two kind plants .
Chenopodium quinoa was used as isolate and propagation hosts of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus . CLSV was isolated from apple petales infected by apple latent viruses .
Royle was cultivated in water medium polluted with Hg 2 + and Cd 2 + of different gradient concentrations for 3 days and 6 days respectively . Leaves of H. verticillata lost their green color gradually with the increasing pollutant concentration .
But the heat treatment can raise the virus elimination rate significantly . The SGV and CLSV elimination rate of Fuji is raised by 22.3 % and 22.2 % respectively .
Trichovirus is a new plant virus genus established in 1993 . Currently , the genus embraces four species , with Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus ( ACLSV ) as a type member .
PAS-ELISA method was successfully used to detect apple chlorotic leafspot virus ( ACLSV ) and apple stem grooving virus ( ASGV ), which are important virus diseases in fruit trees , in tissue culture apple tree seedlings .
Chlorotic Mutants Induced by Laser He-Ne and Its Genetic Expression
Is it a lack of sulfur that causes chlorosis ?
Isolation and Classification of Freesia Chlorotic Stripe Mosaic Virus
Effects of chlorotic leaf spot virus on the growth and Fruiting of apple trees
Studies on sugarcane chlorotic streak I. better nomenclature , symptoms , incidence and transmission
Detection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in Pear by Primed in situ Labeling
Studies on Gene Sequence of Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus in Chenopodium quinoa and Pear
The avocado shows a typical loss of green color and a reduction in vegetative growth .
Preparation of antiserum to Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and serological detection of CLSV in apple
Chlorosis much more acute , more uniform and more restricted to younger leaves but characteristic of more severe iron deficiency symptoms ;
Appearance of white , yellow , or orange chlorotic spots or stripes on older leaves , usually starting from the leaf tips and margins .
Symptoms of infected pepper , vein clearing , chlorosis , mottle , mosaic , stunt and necrosis , were observed at seedling and maturation stages .
Studies on Resistance Identification of Black Spot Disease in Chinese Cabbage Cultivated in Spring and Summer and Its Disease-Resistant Mechanism ; Resistance of Malus Species Against CLSV
General yellow-green or yellow interveinal chlorosis of fully expanded and younger leaves with major veins and most minor vein clearly defined green without appreciable adjacent green lamina ;
Culture filtrates and cercosporin solution could inhibit the radicle growth on the seeds of different rice varieties and 4 crops ( mungbean , sorghum , cowpea and corn ) .
The effective accumulated stress temperature of ≤ 23 ℃ was regarded as the index of green color fading and the end date of good quality performance for warm season species .
In ripening and senescence process , membrane permeability increased , Chl ( Chlorophyll ) content decreased , leading to the organ droped , fruit wrinkled , leaves turned yellow and exterior quality reduced .