
  • 网络Blood test;CBC
  1. 你将接受定期的血液检查以确定你是否已被感染。

    You 'll be given regular blood tests to show whether you have been infected .

  2. 这些国家采取了挨家挨户的调查,包括入户访问和血液检查。

    These countries undertook neighborhood surveys involving family interviews and blood tests .

  3. 口腔健康差的人在血液检查中也发现了纤维素原,C反应蛋白等炎性因子。

    People who reported poor oral hygiene also tested positive for bloodstream inflammatory markers such as fibrinogen and C-reactive protein .

  4. 而借助标志‘visible’,‘bloodtestsdescription’链接(描述所输入的血液检查)可显示给管理员而不是医生。

    The link ' blood tests description ' , describing the blood tests entered , can be shown to the administrator and not to the doctor , using the flag ' visible ' .

  5. 他的血液检查结果非常恐怖,一种酶:肌酸激酶MB,比正常高出10倍。

    His blood test results were terrifying , with levels of an enzyme , creatine kinase MB , 10 times higher than normal .

  6. 美国癌症协会建议50岁以上的男性每年都要做PSA血液检查和数字式直肠检查。

    The American Cancer Society recommends that men age50 and older have an annual PSA blood test as well as a digital rectal exam , another test that can detect prostate cancer .

  7. 但是,在拜访医师时,Megan并没有提供详细地址,而是在做完血液检查之后才提交了她的详细地址。

    However , Megan did not provide her address details during her visit at the practitioner but submitted her address details several days after she had her blood work done .

  8. 脐血常规血液检查和血红蛋白A定量在诊断新生儿地中海贫血的实验研究和应用

    Routine Hematological Examination with Neonatal Cord Blood and Hemoglobin A Quantitation

  9. 所以,我做了一次血液检查。

    So , I decided to do a blood level check .

  10. 我怎么可能做错一个简单的血液检查?

    How could I screw up a simple bleeding time test ?

  11. 我想让你做一个常规血液检查。

    I 'd like you to take a routine blood test .

  12. 医生会采取某些血液检查方式。

    Doctor taking a blood sample from a woman 's arm .

  13. 在急诊室,医生对他进行了血液检查。

    There , in the emergency room , his blood was tested .

  14. 这可通过简单的血液检查得知。

    You can find out via a simple blood test .

  15. 外周血液检查见显著的嗜酸细胞增多。

    There was a marked eosinophilia in the peripheral blood .

  16. 你的血液检查结果全都正常。

    Your blood test results are all normal .

  17. 从血液检查出现异常到诊断为前列腺癌的平均时间为17年。

    The average length of time from blood test to cancer diagnosis was17 years .

  18. 我们将进行一些血液检查。

    We 'll run a few blood tests .

  19. 这些检查也许包括血液检查以及胸透。

    These may include blood tests and X-rays .

  20. 医生要她进行血液检查。

    The doctor asked for a blood sample .

  21. 为了确诊你是否罹患糖尿病或是前驱糖尿病,常会用到两种血液检查。

    Two blood tests are commonly used to determine if you have diabetes or prediabetes .

  22. 然后血液检查结果返回又需要四周时间。

    It can then take another four weeks for blood test results to be returned .

  23. 我们报告一名57岁女性于血液检查中意外发现肝功能异常。

    We report a57-year-old female with incidental finding of abnormal liver function by blood biochemistry studies .

  24. 动脉插管处不同采血方法对血液检查结果的影响

    Effect of Various Blood-taking Methods From the Intubating Place of Artery on Results of Blood Examination

  25. 如无心脏杂音、室性心动过速、新近中风或心梗,可在门诊进行。血液检查。

    Perform in the clinic if no bruits , ventricular tachycardia , recent stroke , or myocardial infarction .

  26. 父亲的血液检查结果没有问题,其他的检查也证明一切正常。

    The doctor was right . Dad 's blood tests came back clear , and further tests showed nothing wrong .

  27. 该检查还能告诉我们什么时候癌症治疗是成功的,因为治疗成功后血液检查就变正常了。

    This test also can tell when cancer treatment has been successful because the blood tests become normal after successful treatment .

  28. 如果我们定期进行健康和血液检查,那么医生会及时发现早期病症,并进行治疗。

    If we have regular health and blood checks , doctors can quickly detect any disease early on and treat it .

  29. 根据血液检查,说明你得的是缺铁性贫血,可能和你的月经过多有关。

    According to the blood test , you are suffering from an iron deficiency anaemia , probably due to your heavy periods .

  30. 许多人(18%)虽然未感染,但当行血液检查时,发现其为疱疹病毒携带者。

    Many ( 18 % ) thought they were uninfected , but found out they were herpes carriers when they underwent blood tests .