
  • 网络Batman;The Bat People;Man-Bat
  1. 一只管鼻果蝠在一片僻静的热带雨林中被几名巴布亚新几内亚的科学家发现。管鼻果蝠属的这种蝙蝠外型使人联想起星球大战中的绝地大师尤达。

    A tube-nosed fruit bat with an appearance reminiscent of the Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda has been discovered by scientists in Papua New Guinea in a remote rainforest .

  2. 处于两种信仰中,一种还没有走出,一种还没有进入,这是叫人受不了的,这样的黄昏只能使象蝙蝠似的人喜悦。

    To stand between two religions , from one of which you have not as yet emerged , and another into which you have not yet entered , is intolerable ; and twilight is pleasing only to bat-like souls .

  3. 粉防己碱和蝙蝠葛碱对人白血病细胞株HL-60和K(562)的生长抑制作用

    Inhibitory effects of tetrandrine and dauricine on growth of HL-60 slid K_ ( 562 ) cell lines

  4. 蝙蝠葛碱对人膀胱癌T-24细胞株生长增殖的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of dauricine on growth of human bladder cancer T-24 cell line

  5. 尽管你会在电影里看到,吸血蝙蝠几乎从来不吸人的血。

    Despite what you see in the movies , vampire bats almost never drink human blood .

  6. 通过该望远镜,他可以看到月球上奇异的东西,包括金字塔、蓝色的独角兽和长着蝙蝠翅膀的半人半兽的生物。

    Through it , he could see fantastic things on the moon , including pyramids , blue unicorns and human-like creatures with bat wings .