
  • 网络Centipede game
  1. 采用预期心理的方法可以预测蜈蚣博弈结果最有可能出现的结果。

    The anticipate psychology gives some most possible results of centipede game .

  2. 从而有效地解释了类似蜈蚣博弈悖论、连锁店悖论等社会现象。

    It interprets some social phenomenon such as centipede game paradox , multiple shop paradox effectively .

  3. 基于MAS仿真的蜈蚣博弈分析

    An Analyzes on Rosenthal Game Based on Multiple Agent-Based Simulation

  4. 蜈蚣博弈悖论引发的思考

    On Paradox from Centipede Game

  5. 基于异质性公平偏好的行为博弈模型与模拟&对蜈蚣博弈实验结果的解释

    Behavioral Game Model and Simulating Based on Heterogeneous Fairness Preference : An Explanation to the Results of Centipede Game Experiments

  6. 通过第三方的实验数据检验,蜈蚣博弈结果会以70%的概率出现在预期心理预测的阶段。

    The experiment dates collected from third party shows that the forecast made by anticipate psychology is right in the possibility of 70 % .

  7. 逆向归纳法是求解动态博弈的具有演绎性质的方法,然而在蜈蚣博弈(罗森塔尔于1981年提出)之中由它得到的纳什均衡解因不合理,违反直觉而被认为是一个悖论。

    Nash equilibrium in the centipede game ( R.Rosenthal , 1981 ) by backward induction is counterintuitive , and is regarded as a paradox .

  8. 关于最后通谍博弈和蜈蚣博弈,近年来相关的文献研究大量增加,各种实验设计巧妙,反映了实验博弈论研究的最新进展。

    In the research on ultimatum games and centipede games , there has been a great increase in intensive studies of relevant literature and variety of designs of experiments .

  9. 针对传统的博弈理论在解释蜈蚣博弈悖论等现象所体现的博弈方面的缺陷,利用偏好逆转理论传统的蜈蚣博弈进行分析。

    Aiming at the limit of traditional game and the defects of game theory for centipede game paradox , we analysis the centipede paradox with the Preference Reversal theory .

  10. 尽管发达国家和发展中国家存在着不同的可持续和发展偏好,但走向联合是必然趋势,拓展的蜈蚣博弈、无名氏定理等对此也予以了证明。

    Though there exists different preference for sustainability and development , it is an affirming trend to go to unite . Expand centipede game and folk theorem can prove the trend further .

  11. 考虑到在蜈蚣博弈中运用逆推归纳法具有不稳定性以及混合策略的存在,无论是理性人假设发生偏离和理性人假设不发生偏离的情况下,逆推归纳法解蜈蚣博弈都具有不合理性。

    The backward induction , using in centipede game , is unsuitable under the conditions of rational hypothesis and un - rational hypothesis , because of the instability of backward induction and mixed strategies .

  12. 本文介绍了符合现实世界的不完全信息动态博弈论的一些理论知识,并依据不完全信息动态蜈蚣博弈分析说明了实施战略联盟在理论上的可行性。

    This paper introduces the essential theory of the incomplete information and dynamically game which meets with the facts , and illustrates the practicability of the strategic alliance by studying the incomplete information and dynamically centipede game .