  • moth

  • 同 "蚁"
  • 昆虫,与蝴蝶相似,体肥大,触角细长如丝,翅面灰白,静止时,翅左右平放,常在夜间活动,有趋光性:~子。~眉。~扬(眉扬,形容美人笑貌)。~绿。飞~扑火。

  • 古同“蚁”。


(蛾子) moth:

  • 谷蛾

    grained moth;

  • 褐尾蛾

    brown tail moth;

  • 衣蛾

    clothes moth


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 蛾析

    E Xi

  1. 她可能是刚好在成年蛾从蛹中钻出来时进行的观察。

    She may have observed the adult moth just as it emerged from its pupa .

  2. 西班牙和英国的研究人员最近发现,大蜡蛾的幼虫可以分解占塑料40%的聚乙烯。

    Researchers in Spain and England recently found that the worms of the greater wax moth can break down polyethylene , which accounts for 40 % of plastics .

  3. 这个村子曾经被称为现代版的邪恶之城所多玛和蛾摩拉城。

    The village had a reputation as a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah .

  4. 他们在树上撒糖捕蛾。

    They sugared trees to catch moths .

  5. 欲掩香帏论缱绻,先敛双蛾愁夜短。(柳永《菊花新》)

    Before lowering the perfumed curtain to express her love , she knits her eyebrows , worried that the night is too short .

  6. 四种限制性内切酶对美国白蛾核型多角体病毒DNA酶解分析

    Restriction endonuclease analysis of Hyphantria cunea NPV

  7. 转pinⅡ基因白菜的遗传分析及小菜蛾抗性鉴定

    Genetic Analysis and Insect Assay of pin I Transgenic Chinese cabbage

  8. 利用GC分析柞蚕雄蛾油的脂肪酸组成成分。

    The components of male silk moth oil was determined by GC .

  9. Bt制剂对小菜蛾及其主要寄生蜂的选择毒性

    Selective Toxicities of Several Bt Preparations to Diamondback Moth and Its Parasitoids

  10. 黑蛾(Blackmoth,Bm)是家蚕成虫体色突变的一种。

    Black moth ( Bm ) is a mutant about body color of silkworm adult .

  11. 东南沿海地区小菜蛾对Btδ-内毒素和Bt制剂的抗性检测

    Field-evolved resistance to Bt δ - endotoxins and Bt formulation in Plutella xylostella from the southeastern coast region of China

  12. 因此,多功能氧化酶环氧化活性的提高是小菜蛾对杀螟丹抗性的一个重要机制,而AchE和CarE活性与该抗性无关。

    Therefore , the enhancement of aldrin epoxidase activity was an important resistance mechanism for cartap , but the resistance was not related to AchE and CarE .

  13. 采用毛细柱气相色谱分析、酸性甲酯化反应和GC-MS证实等手段对棉铃虫雄蛾味刷抽提物进行了结构鉴定。

    Extracts of hairpencils ffom male cotton bollworm moth were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography , acid methanolysis , and GC-MS.

  14. 新生儿血气分析:ⅢApgar评分与血pH、BE关系的初步研究中华微蛾的观察初报

    Blood gas analysis in neonates : ⅲ . a preliminary observation of the relationship between Apgar score and blood ph , be

  15. 光因子对棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)雌蛾性信息素产生及其求偶行为的影响

    Effects of light factors on sex pheromone produce and femal 's calling behavior of Helicoverpa armigera

  16. 利用RNAi技术沉默小菜蛾类钙粘蛋白基因

    Silencing of cadherin-like gene in the diamondback moth , Plutella xylostella ( Lepidoptera : Plutellidae ), using RNAi technique

  17. 利用RAPD-PCR技术分析东北地区16种小卷蛾的亲缘关系

    Consanguinity of sixteen olethreutid moth species in northeast China based on RAPD-PCR analysis

  18. 这一结果与雄蛾对活雌蛾提取物的EAG反应基本一致。

    The results were same as the EAG response to nature female extraction .

  19. 龙柏精油对小菜蛾的生物活性龙柏精油对小菜蛾Plutellaxylostella(L.)

    Bioactivity of the essential oil from dragon juniper against diamondback moth ( Plutella xylostella ) .

  20. 取食Bt转基因棉的雌蛾产卵量比对照减少50%~70%。

    The egg production of moth emerging from Bt-transgenic plant was 50 %  ̄ 70 % less than that of the moth on the normal cotton plant .

  21. 结果表明:柞蚕裸蛹发蛾的百粒卵重比柞蚕生物茧发蛾的高10.59mg(P0.05),其它性状指标差异不显著(P0.05)。

    100-egg weight from tussah chrysalis eclosion was 10.59 mg higher than that from tussah cocoon eclosion ( P0.05 ) . There were no significant differences ( P0.05 ) among other tested items .

  22. 小菜蛾细胞色素P450基因的克隆及生物信息学分析

    Cloning of Cytochrome P450 Gene from the Diamondback Moth , Plutella xylostella ( Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae ) and its Analysis by Bio-informatics Technology

  23. 对供试的小菜蛾有明显活性,浓度为25mg/ml(点滴法),死亡率分别86.6%。

    The compound had a mortality of 86.6 % against Plutella xylostella larval at the concentration of 25mg / ml by means of topical application .

  24. 一种用硝酸纤维素膜的斑点法鉴定个体小菜蛾的抗性AChE不敏感性的应用技术,提供了早期侦测和随后监测田间种群抗性的可能性。

    A dot-blot on nitrocellulose membranes technique for identification of insensitive AChE in single insect provides the opportunity for early detection and subsequent monitoring of resistance in field population .

  25. 芳香木蠹蛾东方亚种(CossuscossusorientalisGaede)空间分布型的研究


  26. R-T品系相对于敏感品系具有0.61的相对适合度。这说明小菜蛾产生抗性使生物适合度明显下降。

    The resistant strain was calculated to have a fitness value of 0.61 relative to the susceptible strain .

  27. 利用嗅觉反应研究了3种热带杂草挥发油对小菜蛾Plutellaxylostella行为的影响。

    Influence of three volatiles from tropical rank grass on behavior of Plutella xylostella was studied in the test of olfactory response .

  28. 在育蜂笼设立初期,笼内小菜蛾卵的寄生率为87.34%,距笼5m之外其寄生率急剧下降,其有效扩散范围不超过20m。

    In the field the parasitism rate decreased with the increase of distance from the cage , the effective dispersion distance was no more than 20 m.

  29. 不同光温条件的雄蛾对不同光温条件的雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物的EAG反应差异显著。

    EAG responses of male under different temperature and photoperiod to female sex glands extraction under different conditions varied significantly .

  30. 雌蛾的引诱力很强,能吸引周围500m内的雄蛾前来交配。

    The sex attraction of the female moth is extremely strong , it can attract male moths from about 500 meters away to come for mating .