
  1. 上海铁路警方表示,此次开通的“红眼高铁”G8次列车,将于晚上7点从上海虹桥站出发,在23点48分抵达北京南站。

    Shanghai railway police said that the red-eye bullet train , G8 , will leave Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station at 7 pm and arrive at Beijing South Railway Station at 11:48 pm .

  2. 屈曲约束支撑在磁浮虹桥站结构设计中的应用

    The Application of Buckling Restrained Braces in Structural Design of Hongqiao Magnetic Aerotrain Station

  3. 京沪高铁虹桥站工程塔吊行走机构及下部混凝土结构的分析研究

    Analysis and Study on Tower Crane Running Gear and on Substructure of Concrete for Hongqiao Station Project of Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway

  4. 在第二阶段中,通过旅客问卷的方式对上海虹桥站以及成都东站站内的公共设施进行了调研,并以观察分析的结果作为数据分析结果的补充。

    In the second stage , through the questionnaire on Shanghai Hongqiao passenger station and Chengdu East Station of public facilities in the research , and to observe the analysis results as additional data analysis results .

  5. 火车在9点05离开上海虹桥火车站,但是在上午10时26分时在江苏常州暂时停车。据一名乘坐该火车的网民说。

    The train left Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station at9:05 am but made an unscheduled stop at Changzhou , Jiangsu province , at10:26 am , according to passenger and netizen " Anna Zhang " .

  6. 地铁2号线(R2线)西延伸段工程虹桥临空园区站是地下二层车站,概述车站建筑设计的主要内容,着重介绍与人防功能相结合、出入口及风井等地面建筑的环境布置。

    Hongqiao Airport Station is a 2-storey underground station . The paper outlines the general architectural fea - tures and pays attention to the layout of entrances and ventilation shafts , which are related to defense function .