
  • 网络Goby;tigerfish;Gobiidae;tiger fish
  1. 目的探索裸项栉鰕虎鱼繁殖和育苗的适宜盐度。

    Objective To explore the suitable salinity on multiplication and growth of Bareneck goby .

  2. 辽宁地区的淡水虎鱼主要分布在辽河和鸭绿江两大河流。

    The freshwater goby is mainly found in Liao River and Yalu River in Liaoning .

  3. 上周,英国小报《太阳报》(Sun)骄傲地推出了它的世界杯预测者――水虎鱼佩莱。

    U.K. tabloid the Sun proudly introduced its World Cup tipster -- Pele the Piranha - last week .

  4. 但是她最近把发展转移到好莱坞投资的新电影3D版《水虎鱼》,现年30岁的凯莉从经典电影性感美女上找到了些灵感。

    But as she sets her sights on becoming the next Hollywood bombshell with her new movie Piranha3D , the30-year-old has found some inspiration in some classic movie bombshells .

  5. 但是如今Okavango三角洲和附近的Ngami湖的鱼(主要是具有商业重要性的虎鱼和鲶鱼)正在死去。

    But now the fish mainly the commercially important tiger fish and the catfish are dying in the Okavango Delta and in nearby Lake Ngami .

  6. 湖里有水虎鱼,还有电鳗。

    Piranha fish live in the lakes , and electric eels .

  7. 它是水滴鱼、海蛾鱼,狮子鱼还是虎鱼?

    Is it a blobfish , dragonfish , lionfish or tigerfish ?

  8. 中国(鱼叚)虎鱼类动物地理学的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the zoogeography of the Gobioid fishes of China

  9. 那么雌沙鰕虎鱼会为这种充满父爱型的动心吗?

    And do the female sand gobies fall for these fatherly types ?

  10. 虎鱼的名字就这样应运而生。

    In that way , the tigerfish is suitably named .

  11. 小小的鰕虎鱼毫不畏惧地游入老虎斑口中,用死去的组织和寄生虫裹腹。

    Tiny gobies fearlessly enter the tiger 's mouth to feed on dead tissue and parasites .

  12. 研究发现前两种声音实际上是水虎鱼的肌肉打击自己的鱼鳔发出的。

    The first two sounds are produced by muscles contracting around the fish 's swim bladder .

  13. 现在是终极杀手测试时间:水虎鱼会对我的鸭子如何反应呢?

    Time for the ultimate killer 's test : How would the piranha react to my duck ?

  14. 寄往夏威夷的邮包中曾截获出水虎鱼,红火蚁和帝王蝎。

    Piranhas , red fire ants and Emperor scorpions have been intercepted in mail parcels to Hawaii .

  15. 输出鱼拥有高的价格。(参考文献12693)像鰕虎鱼一样的鱼也许最大种。

    Exported fishes command a high price ( Ref.12693 ) . Maybe the largest species of the goby-like fishes .

  16. 无冷温性种。东海(鱼叚)虎鱼类有37种,其中暖水性种有22种(59.5%);

    The East China Sea area has 37 species , of which 22 are the warm-water species ( 59.5 % );

  17. 最出名的种群莫过于红肚水虎鱼,不过水虎鱼的种类其实有大约四十种。

    The most well-known species is the red-bellied piranha , but there are nearly forty other different species of piranha .

  18. 他被视为醽虎鱼分类的权威,与各种研究机构交换了有趣的样本。

    The monarch is recognized as an authority on goby classification and has exchanged interesting specimens with various research institutions .

  19. 黄、渤海的(鱼叚)虎鱼类仅有25种,其中暖温性种有10种(占40%);

    The Yellow Sea and Pohai possess only 25 species , of which 10 are the warm-temperate species ( 40 % );

  20. 这种现象对有较大巢穴的雄沙鰕虎鱼而言更是如此,也许是因为巢越大,交配的空间越大。

    This was especially true for sand gobies with larger nests , maybe because bigger nests provide room for additional mating .

  21. 沙鰕虎鱼在海螺壳下筑巢。雄性沙鰕虎鱼不仅要护巢,还要让它空无一物。

    Sand gobies nest under sea shells , and the males not only defend the nests , but also hollow them out .

  22. 方法比较不同盐度梯度条件下裸项栉鰕虎鱼的产卵率、孵化率和生长存活情况。

    Methods Experiment on spawning rate , hatching rate , growth and survival rate of Bareneck goby were carried out under different saline conditions .

  23. 不过,它对于人类的和家畜的生存是必要的,从蜻蜓和水虎鱼到海狸和牛蛙都离不开它。

    Yet it is vital to the survival of humans and a wide range of critters from dragonflies and piranhas to beavers and bullfrogs .

  24. 当水虎鱼牙齿钳住外面的壳时,楼梯似的结构就会弯曲、旋转,将撞击力吸收而且不会破损。

    When a piranha 's tooth clamps against the outer shell , the stairway structures bend and rotate to absorb the force without breaking .

  25. 三年级的那个班正在做写作练习,一个学生问我怎么拼写“水虎鱼”。

    While my Grade 3 class was completing a writing exercise , one of the students asked me how to spell " piranha . "

  26. 人们常将这种非洲鱼与水虎鱼相比较,因为虎鱼进攻性强,用插满刀片的嘴把猎物撕成碎片。

    This African fish is often compared to the piranha , as it 's aggressive and uses its razor-filled jaws to tear its prey into pieces .

  27. 方法进行裸项栉虎鱼天然分布水域环境调查、生物学参数测定、性腺组织切片观察及室内人工繁养殖试验。

    Methods The natural distribution aquatic environment investigation 、 the biology parameter measurement 、 the gonad tissue slice observation and the artificial multiplication experiment were carried out .

  28. 这条微型醽虎鱼几乎不算是宠物,但是它与日本天皇绝妙的关系为它在本文赢得一席之地。

    This tiny goby fish rarely makes much of a pet , but its fascinating relationship with the Emperor of Japan earns it a place on this list .

  29. 但是据泰迪·罗斯福观察,水虎鱼群不会被体型吓倒,所以巨骨舌鱼为抵挡啮咬而进化出了一副盔甲。

    But as Teddy Roosevelt observed , a school of piranhas won 't shy away from size alone , so the giant arapaima evolved armor to withstand the bites .

  30. 在《水虎鱼》中,有许多很酷的人,是关于许多鱼吃掉了很多帅哥和性感美女的电影。

    ' In Piranha , there 's lots of cool people . It 's about a lot of fish that eat a lot of buff boys and big-boobied girls .