
téng luó
  • Wisteria;Chinese wistaria
藤萝 [téng luó]
  • [Chinese wistaria] 紫藤( Wisteria sinensis )的通称

藤萝[téng luó]
  1. 大树上缠绕着藤萝。

    There is a wisteria twining round the big tree .

  2. 屋子从蔓草、藤萝、树木、花朵之中露了出来。

    The house rose out of weeds , vines , trees and blossoms .

  3. 在我五岁大的时候,我们从藤萝覆盖的小房子搬到了一个新建的大房子里。

    When I was about five years old we moved from the little vine-covered house to a large new one .

  4. 不高不矮的围墙挡在两边,斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。

    On either side of the lane stand enclosing walls of medium height , which , moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wistaria , look almost like screens of primitive simplicity .

  5. 浑浊的弗林特河在一排排松树和爬满藤萝的水橡树中间悄悄地流着,像一条弯屈的胳臂走过杰拉尔德的那片新地,从两侧环抱着它。

    The Flint River , running silently between walls of pine and water oak covered with vines , wrapped about Gerald 's new land like a curving arm and it on two sides . To Gerald , standing on the small

  6. 当我不想在早上骑马的时候,我和我的老师就会在早餐后去森林里散步。我们让自己完全迷失在藤萝绿树之间,除了被牛儿马儿踩出的小径,我们无路可寻。

    On mornings when I did not care for the ride , my teacher and I would start after breakfast for a ramble in the woods , and allow ourselves to get lost amid the trees and vines , with no road to follow except the paths made by cows and horses .