
téng hú
  • barnacle;acorn barnacle;rock barnacle;acorn shell
藤壶[téng hú]
  1. 大名鼎鼎的居维叶也未看出藤壶是一种甲壳动物。

    The illustrious Cuvier did not perceive that a barnacle was a crustacean .

  2. 附着在岩石上特别是潮间带岩石上的藤壶。

    Barnacle that attaches to rocks esp. in intertidal zones .

  3. 各提取液的半致死浓度(LC50)随着藤壶无节幼体在各提取液中的暴露时间的延长越来越低,但下降幅度存在一定差异性。

    With the prolonging of exposed time , LC50 of the extracts were getting lower and lower , but changing ranges were different .

  4. 不同科的植物提取液对藤壶无节幼体的毒杀效果存在一定差异性。

    The effects of different plant families had some certain differences .

  5. 采用乙酸乙酯作为提取剂对藤壶无节幼体的毒杀效果最好。

    The effects which used ethyl acetate to extract were best .

  6. 不同高程的样地里藤壶的优势种存在差异。

    Different barnacles ' dominant species existed in different kinds of elevations .

  7. 那么这些铁锈和藤壶从哪里来的?

    Then where 'd all that rust and those barnacles come from ?

  8. 藤壶附着对海水中金属腐蚀的影响

    The effect of barnacle adhesion on metal corrosion in seawater

  9. 藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。

    The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders .

  10. 舟山虾塘纹藤壶的繁殖生物学研究

    Studies on the breeding biology of Balanus amphitrite amphitrite in Zhoushan prawn pond

  11. 季节的变迁也是影响藤壶附着的另一生态因子。

    Seasonal changes was another factor affecting barnacle attachment .

  12. 藤壶附着的红树种类也是不可忽视的第三个生态影响因素。

    The mangrove species where the barnacle attached was the third impact factor .

  13. 藤壶是东海区主要的污损生物之一。

    Barnacle is one kind of marine fouling organism in the East China Sea .

  14. 海洋污损生物藤壶的附着机理及防除

    Adhesion mechanism and prevention of marine biofouling barnacle

  15. 但绝对高程对不同的藤壶种类的影响是不同的。

    However , the impacts of absolute elevation on different types of barnacle were different .

  16. 同样,藤壶胶也很特别。

    Barnacle glue is equally special .

  17. 无柄花;无柄藤壶的壳是直接附着在底部的。

    Sessile flowers ; the shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate .

  18. 而白骨壤上的各种藤壶的附着有了明显增加。

    But , in Avicennia marina , the quantities of each kind of barnacles had increased obviously .

  19. 这些是藤壶,海绵动物以及最重要的珊瑚的细小幼虫

    These are the microscopic larvae of barnacles , sponges , and , most importantly , corals .

  20. 使(船的外壳)包上外来的东西,如藤壶。

    Nautical To encrust ( a ship 's hull ) with foreign matter , such as barnacles .

  21. 即使台面上顶着继母的帽子,藤壶女御还是为源氏产下一子并抚养成人。

    Even though she is , in effect , his stepmother , he fathers a child with her .

  22. GB4407.2-1996经济作物种子油料类藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。

    Seeds of economic crops & Oil crops The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders .

  23. 有柄花;有柄藤壶是通过肉足或者柄附在底部的。(剑柄上的)圆球。

    A pedunculate flower ; a pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk .

  24. 他们发现,藤壶的蛋白质主要由被称为脯氨酸和异亮氨酸的两种氨基酸组成。

    The proteins of barnacle glue , they discovered , are dominated by amino acids called proline and isoleucine .

  25. 具有明显脱皮现象的红树(秋茄)更能避免藤壶的危害。

    The mangrove species which can peel barks obviously ( Kandelia candel ) can avoid the harm of the barnacles .

  26. 如果你不幸的被一只藤壶怪所捕捉,透过射击其口部去使自己回复自由。

    If you are unfortunate enough to get caught by a barnacle , shoot at its mouth to free yourself .

  27. 作者同样援引对藤壶植物的四卷论述(1851-54),带我们走进了物种起源中心问题的探索;

    The four-volume treatise on barnacles ( 1851-54 ), is used to investigate the central question of how species originate .

  28. 他们几乎像叶片藤壶和橡树的生长看是很有趣和野生。

    They almost look like barnacles on the leaves and the growths on the oak tree is pretty interesting and wild .

  29. 带有长柄的戴在眼上的眼镜。藤壶亚目系统学研究(蔓足亚纲:无柄目)

    Eyeglasses that are held to the eyes with a long handle . Phylogenetic Study on Balanomorpha ( Cirripedia : Seessilia );

  30. 大型藤壶位于较低高程,小型藤壶(白条地藤壶)则生活于较高位置。

    Large barnacles located at the lower elevation , and small barnacles ( Euraphia withersi ) lived in the higher position .