
  • 网络membrane;Membrane Switch
  1. 本公司长期供应,PVC薄膜开关。

    Our company long-term supply , PVC membrane switch .

  2. 图客电子薄膜开关生产流程再造研究

    Study on Membrane Switch Business Process Reengineering for Tuke Electronics Company

  3. 我们为您提供制造商直接生产ITO触摸屏PET薄膜开关!

    We provide you with the manufacturer direct production of ITO PET membrane switch touch screen !

  4. 白银被广泛用于电子器件,包括电视按钮、计算机键盘薄膜开关以及CD和DVD碟片涂层。

    Silver is widely used in electronics , whether in buttons for TVs , in membrane switches in computer keyboards or as a coating for CDs and DVDs .

  5. 薄膜开关面板丝网印刷要注意的问题

    Key Points in Silk Screen Printing for Membrane Switch Front Panel

  6. 基于绝缘薄膜开关的快前沿高压方波发生器

    Fast risetime high-voltage rectangular pulser based on dielectric foil switch

  7. 铁电薄膜开关特性理论可靠性分析

    Reliability of Ishibashi-Takagi ′ s Theory for Switching Characteristics of Ferroelectric Thin-Film

  8. 薄膜开关用导电碳浆的研究

    Research on the Conductive Carbon Paste for Membrane Switchs

  9. 深圳嘉冠电子有限公司是一家专业生产薄膜开关的中外合资企业。

    Is a professional manufacturer of membrane switch of the Sino-foreign joint ventures .

  10. 我公司专业制造薄膜开关。

    My company specializes in manufacturing membrane switch .

  11. 薄膜开关在军用电子产品设计中的应用

    Film Switch Applications in Military Electronic Products Design

  12. 铁电薄膜开关特性测量

    Measurement for Switching Characteristics of Ferroelectric Thin Films

  13. 商用薄膜开关与军用薄膜开关

    Membrane Switches in Commercial and Military Application

  14. 几种绝缘薄膜开关特性之比较

    Contrast of several dielectric foil switch characteristics

  15. 薄膜开关对网版制版工艺的选择

    Plate Making Process in Membrane Switch Printing

  16. 薄膜开关质量管理研究

    On Quality Management of Membrane Switch

  17. 薄膜开关制造技术点评

    Comments on Membrane Switch Making Technology

  18. 研究了薄膜开关柔性导电油墨,及其最佳配方。

    The basic principium and formula of flexible conductive printing ink for membrane switches have been investigated .

  19. 同时指出,随着高科技产品的迅速发展,薄膜开关的应用范围将越来越广。

    It points out , with the development of high-tech products , their applications will be expanded widely .

  20. 论图形设计在企业形象塑造中的运用图客电子薄膜开关生产流程再造研究

    On the Application of Graphic Design in CI Design ; Study on Membrane Switch Business Process Reengineering for Tuke Electronics Company

  21. 纺织品印花、数字技术、薄膜开关、触摸屏、广告标牌及丝网印刷精品等奖开辟专区展示。

    Textile printing , membrane switch , digital technology , touch panel , signs and specialty printing samples will be displayed respectively .

  22. 本公司是专业设计生产电子薄膜开关,触摸面板,软性电路等科技产品的专业公司。

    Our company is specialized in design and production of high-tech products like electronic membrane switch , touch panel , and soft circuit etc.

  23. 介绍薄膜开关的设计和构造,讨论薄膜开关在军用电子产品设计中的应用。

    This paper introduces design method and construction of film switch , puts an emphasis on film switch applications in military electronic products design .

  24. 亦可薄膜开关、微动开关、电脑开关、多档开关(须配夹具)等等作点寿命的测试。

    It can also test a point 's lifetime with membrane switch , jiggling switch , computer switch and multifunction switch which need to be with clamps .

  25. 此类聚合物银浆是一种优良的导电材料,可广泛应用于电子工业,制作薄膜开关电极或印制线路等。

    Such polymer conductive silver paste is an excellent material that can be widely used in electronic industry , production of membrane switch electrode or printed lines .

  26. 介绍了测量铁电薄膜开关特性的重要仪器&双极性双脉冲发生器,以及利用双极性双脉冲测试铁电薄膜电滞回线的原理。

    The bipolar double pulse generator , an important instrument for measuring the switching characteristics of ferroelectric thin films , and the principle of the hysteresis loop measurement with the bipolar double pulse are described .

  27. 介绍了薄膜开关的工作原理、技术指标和应用范围,并分别论述了商用薄膜开关和军用薄膜开关的结构特征、应用环境及应用领域。

    The article introduces the operational principle , technical specification and application filed of the membrane switch . It also explains the structure characteristic and application environment of membrance switches for commercial and military application .

  28. 测量了PLZT(7/60/40)铁电薄膜的开关电流,并用KA模型对数据进行了拟合。

    Switching currents of the PLZT ( 7 / 60 / 40 ) ferroelectric thin film are measured , and experimental data fitting to the KA model are done .

  29. 乙基红掺杂聚合物薄膜全光开关特性的研究

    Study on All-optical Switching Characteristics of Ethyl Red Doped Polymer Films

  30. 有机及有机金属化合物薄膜电开关特性

    Electric switching characteristics of thin films based on organic and metal-organic coordination compounds