
  • 网络Steamed Egg;chawanmushi
  1. 送:前菜,沙拉,酱菜,酱汤,蒸蛋,水果。

    Served With : Appetizer , Salad , Pickles , Miso Soup , Steamed Egg , Fruit .

  2. 推荐客家酿豆腐、鲜虾芙蓉蒸蛋、虾饺等。

    Recommended dishes include Hakka style brewed bean curd , steamed egg with shrimp , and shrimp dumpling .

  3. 石灰水蒸蛋风味的形成研究

    Study on Flavor Development of Steaming Liquid Egg with Limewater

  4. 石灰水蒸蛋是一道风味独特的特色佳肴。

    Steaming liquid egg with limewater is a delicious dish with unique flavor .

  5. 这是日式蒸蛋,有点儿像布丁,但是不甜。

    This is chawanmushi . It 's like pudding , but not sweet .

  6. 现在我知道如何蒸蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋和做蛋汤。

    Now I know how to make steamed eggs , boiled eggs , fried eggs and egg soup .