
  • 网络steam car;steam automobile
  1. 发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电子汽车。

    Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars .

  2. 蒸汽汽车收到了比电力需要的水,一次充电范围较少的范围。

    The steam cars had less range before needing water than an electric 's range on a single charge .

  3. 在20世纪头几年内,进行可靠性和耐久性测试,在内燃机汽车之间展开比赛,还和电动或蒸汽汽车进行竞赛的,是汽车车主俱乐部,而不是什么初出茅庐的汽车制造商。

    In the first years of the century , it was clubs of automobile owners rather than any fledgling carmakers that staged reliability and endurance tests , pitting motor cars against each other and against rivals powered by electricity or steam .

  4. 分析了现有蒸汽压缩式汽车空调系统中存在的不足,指出固体吸附式制冷技术在汽车空调中应用的优越性。

    This Paper analyzes the shortcomings of vapor compression automobile air-conditioning systems , and discusses the advantages of adsorption cooling system driven by the waste heat of exhausted gases in automobiles .

  5. 基于蒸汽喷射制冷的汽车空调建模与控制

    Modeling and control of automobile air-conditioning based on steam jet refrigeration

  6. 通过管道把废蒸汽排空我的汽车该换排气管了。

    My car needs a new exhaust . On passing into the discharge pipe , the steam condenses .