
  • 网络SALERNO;Shane Salerno
  1. 其中包括弗雷德里克•萨莱诺,他目前在5家公司董事会任职,其中包括哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)与维亚康姆公司(Viacom)。

    That includes Frederic Salerno , who serves on five boards , including CBS ( CBS ) and Viacom ( VIA ) .

  2. 他们在一些叫贝鲁伍德、阿尔贡、奥马哈滩、萨莱诺的地方,在相隔半个地球之遥的瓜达卡钠尔、塔拉瓦、独排山、长津水岸和一个叫越南--有着许许多多稻田和丛林的地方献出了他们的生命。

    Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood , The Argonne , Omaha Beach , Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal , Tarawa , Pork Chop Hill , the Chosin Reservoir , and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam .