
  • 网络lactuca;lactuca l
  1. 这类植物分属莴苣属和翅果菊属。

    They were found to belong to the genera Lactuca and Pterocypsela .

  2. 此外,重新编制了细莴苣属分种检索表,并较为详细地记录了每种的分布地点。

    A new key to species , and the information of the distribution sites of each taxon were given .

  3. 宽叶莴苣一种菊莴苣(苣荬菜菊苣属)具有不整齐的装饰边缘,经常被用作制沙拉买菜做沙拉用的蕃茄莴苣黄瓜和葱头。

    A variety of endive ( Cichorium endivia ) having leaves with irregular , frilled edges and often used in salads . The shopping : the salad : tomatoes , lettuce , cucumbers , and onions .