• a kind of reed
  • 多年生草本植物,生在水边,叶子长形,似芦苇,秋天开紫花,茎可以编席箔。

  1. 通过IR、1HNMR技术初步研究了荻自催化乙醇制浆中木素结构的变化。

    The structural change of silvergrass lignin in Auto-catalyzed ethanol-water pulping was studied by IR and 1H-NMR .

  2. 荻苇浆苛化白泥加工涂料CaCO3的特性研究

    The Properties of Coatings CaCO_3 Refined from Mud Obtained in Reed Pulping

  3. 荻CMP高浓磨浆时纤维微细结构的变化和浆张性能

    Changes in Microfibril Structure and Properties of Pulp Sheet of Amur Silver Grass CMP during High Consistency Refining

  4. 从我们的顾客Harry先生那里荻悉,贵司想在我们的市场拓展业务,且贵司目前还没有代表。

    356.As we have learned from our customer Mr. Harry that you are anxious to extend your activity in our market and you are not represented at present .

  5. 把Web数据挖掘技术应用于搜索引擎中,在服务器端,建立精简的索引数据库,在客户端,挖掘用户的个性化行为,更加高效准确地荻取信息。

    People can obtain information with higher efficiency and more accuracy if Web mining technique is applied to the search engines , and the condensed index database is created on the server while the user 's personalized action is mined on the client .

  6. 本课题主要探索荻苇制CTMP的可行性及其配抄箱纸板的适用性。

    The aim of this research treatise is investigated the feasibility and adaptability of CTMP used as blending pulp in case-board preparation .

  7. 滩地造林使原优势种芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)和荻(Miscanthussacchariftorus)的重要值和生物量都有所下降;

    Afforestation on beach land leaded to IV and biomass of dominant species ( Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariftorus ) decreased in the herb community .

  8. 在实验室试验条件下的初步研究证明,这种荻CMP应用在对白度要求不高的产品时,具有代替木浆使用或节约木材造纸潜力的可能性。

    At experimental conditions , the preliminary study indicated that such Amur silver grass CMP may serve well as substitutes for wood pulp to ease up the acute supply of pulpwood when the brightness of paper or paper board product was not required .

  9. 荻自催化乙醇法制浆反应历程的研究

    On the Auto Catalytic Reaction in Amur Silver Grass Ethanol Pulping

  10. 荻自催化乙醇制浆反应动力学的研究

    Studied on the Delignification Kinetics of Silvergrass in Auto-Catalyzed Ethanol-Water Pulping

  11. 螺旋升液混合澄清器长管升膜蒸发器用于荻浆黑液的蒸发

    Evaporation of Amur Silver Grass Black Liquor in Long-Tube Rising-Film Evaporators

  12. 荻和芦苇害虫及天敌名录

    A catalogue of the reed pests and their natural enemies

  13. 荻苇自催化乙醇制浆木素变化研究

    Changes of Lignin during Auto-catalyzed Ethanol Pulping of Amur Silvergrass

  14. 不要害怕,勇敢地邀请当地人和你荻花。

    Dont be afraid to ask the locals to speak with you .

  15. 亚硫酸氢镁法荻苇浆中的表皮细胞群在打浆时的分散情况

    Dispersion of Epithelial Cell Groups of Magnesium-base Sulfite Reed Pulps

  16. 浅谈洞庭湖地区荻田生态系统与荻生产

    Relationship between ecosystem of reed field and reed production in Dongting region

  17. 荻的纤维素酶木素的制备和化学特性的研究

    The Preparation and Characterization of Cellulolytic Enzyme Lignin from Amur Silver Grass

  18. 荻纤维硫酸盐法和碱乙醇法蒸煮脱木素区域化学

    Topochemistry of Delignification in Kraft and Alkaline-EtOH Cooking of Amur Silver Grass

  19. 对荻采用自催化乙醇法制浆的反应历程进行了研究。

    The auto catalytic reaction of amur silver grass ethanol pulping was studied .

  20. 我们荻小学校是一所十分现代化的学校。

    Our Dixiao School is a very modern school .

  21. 这也使民族精神荻得了新的解放。

    This has also further liberated the national spirit .

  22. 现在这种植物仅只在布里斯托海峡的廊荻才能找到。

    This plant is now found only on Lundy in the Bristol Channel .

  23. 荻岭森林洒布着阴影;

    The shadows of Deering 's Woods ;

  24. 对荻自催化乙醇法蒸煮脱木素动力学进行了研究。

    In this paper , the delignification kinetics of silvergrass in auto-catalyzed ethanol-water pulping was studied .

  25. 你们要抓荻克丝吗?

    Are you gonna bust dixie ?

  26. 荻与芦苇在蒸煮过程中酸溶木素含量变化规律的研究

    Studies of the Changes in Acid Soluble Lignin Contents during the Pulping of Amur Silver Grasses and Reeds

  27. 荻氧碱蒸煮

    Oxygen-Alkali Cooking of Di

  28. 荻浆在高速纸机生产印刷纸的工艺实践(下)

    Mill Practice of Manufacturing Printing Paper with Amur Silver Grass Pulp on a High Speed Paper Machine ( Part ⅱ)

  29. 应用糖腈乙酰酯衍生物气相色谱法研究荻的糖类组分及其在硫酸盐蒸煮过程中的变化

    Analysis of the Saccharide Composition obtained from Digestion of Amur Silver Grass with Sulfate Process by Gas Chromatography of Acetylated Aldononitriles

  30. 所以下次你去看星球大战的时候,一些人从荻克巴星到塔图因,

    So the next time you see a Star Wars movie , and there are people going from the Dagobah system to Tatooine ,