
chú hé
  • Chuhe River;the Chunhe River
滁河[chú hé]
  1. Hg为样区主要的土壤重金属污染元素,土壤Hg污染主要发生在蔬菜基地及滁河流经区,较为严重的Hg污染土壤集中分布在样区中部的蔬菜基地。

    It was revealed that Hg was the dominant heavy metal pollutant , and soil Hg pollution occurred mainly in vegetable production bases and land on either side of Chuhe River , especially the vegetable production bases in the central part of the investigated area .

  2. 2008年安徽省滁河流域排涝分析

    Analysis of drainage situation in Chu River Basin of Anhui in 2008 province

  3. 安徽省淠史杭工程滁河干渠水资源利用现状与可持续发展研究

    Present Utilization and Sustainable Development of Water Resources of Chuhe Canal in Anhui Province

  4. 滁河特大桥轻型桥墩横向振动分析及加固

    The transverse vibration analysis and the reinforcement of the light piers of Chuhe extra-long bridge

  5. 郯庐断裂带皖东段与滁河断裂构造及地震活动相关性研究

    Correlation of Tectonics and Seismicity in Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone in East Anhui and Chuhe Fault

  6. 加快开发滁河航道发展南京江北经济

    Speeding up Development of Chuhe Waterway to Develop Economy in Nanjing North of the Yangtze River

  7. 南京市江浦县沿长江滁河湿地的开发利用与保护

    Utilization and Protection on Wetlands Along Yangzi River and Chuhe River in Jiangpu County , Nanjing City

  8. 滁河南京段是江苏省1条重要的主干线航道,构成南京地区“王”字结构航道网上部的一横,横贯南京江北浦口、六合两区,其战略地位十分重要。

    Chuhe River Nanjing Section is a trunk waterway of Jiangsu Province and of great significance in strategic position .

  9. 京沪铁路南京段桥梁横向振动问题和滁河特大桥综合整治探索

    The Horizontal Vibration Problems of Railway Bridge and the Investigation & Probe in the Comprehensive Cure of Chuhe Railway Bridge Around Nanjing for Jinhu-railway

  10. 本文结合安徽滁河一级站拍门技改工程,对充气浮箱式拍门的工作特性和设计计算方法作些研究。

    Chuhe Pumping Station of Anhui province , the working characteristics and design methods of air-filled floating flap valve are studied in this paper .

  11. 滁河干渠年均降雨量小,是严重缺水地区,水资源供需矛盾突出,城市与农村争水加剧。

    Because of the small amount of annual precipitation , the region of the Chuhe Canal is seriously short of water , and the conflict between water demand and supply and between urban and rural water supply is conspicuous .