
  1. 最适合草莓音乐节的颜色。

    What an appropriate color for the Strawberry Festival !

  2. 据媒体报道,数千人聚集在草莓音乐节的舞台前,并且挤满了整个场地。

    According to mainland reports , thousands congregated in front of the stage and filled up the area .

  3. 最后,获胜的苏菲带着她拯救地球的战利品来到了草莓音乐节的现场。

    And discover who wins and what that person then does at the Strawberry Music Festival with her trophy .

  4. 五月一日在上海举办的草莓音乐节让她能圆了自己成为下一个摇滚明星的梦,并且她也让现场观众尖叫连连然而却不是像她期待的那样。

    On May Day in Shanghai , the screen icon took the stage of Strawberry Festival to realise her dream to become the next rock star and she wowed the audience but not exactly in the way she intended .